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Insider Threat Mitigation Strategies To Improve Security

When company leaders and managers consider their cybersecurity risks, they too often focus on their vulnerability to external threats only. While state-sponsored attacks, phishing attacks, ransomware, and third-party software infiltration are becoming more prevalent in the current threat landscape, it’s important that those potentialities don’t distract attention from the dangers posed by insider threats.

Using SIEM Integrations for Robust Cybersecurity

The average cost of a cyberattack in the United States is 9.5 million. With over 60% of businesses going bankrupt after experiencing a severe data breach, robust security measures to safeguard organizations’ digital assets and operations are urgently needed. A powerful tool gaining significant traction in addressing these challenges is Security Information and Event Management (SIEM).

7 Best Endpoint Management & Monitoring Software in 2024

Endpoint management and monitoring are critical for maintaining an organization’s IT infrastructure’s security, performance, and efficiency. Whether you’re dealing with remote workers, corporate devices, or virtual endpoints, having reliable endpoint management tools is essential. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top solutions available.

UEBA & SIEM: How They Differ & Work Together

Are your cybersecurity tools working together effectively? UEBA (User Entity Behavior Analytics) and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) are two of the most potent cybersecurity solutions in modern organizations, but they serve very different purposes. UEBA identifies risky behaviors, while SIEM collects and analyzes security data across your network.

Insider Threat Program: How To Setup, Benefits & Tips

Cyberattacks are an ever-present danger for organizations. However, it’s crucial for security teams to recognize that the threat isn’t limited to external actors. Insider threats, originating from within the organization, are a growing concern. In fact, the frequency of data breaches caused by insider threats has surged by nearly 40% since 2018, now accounting for 60% of all breaches.

Insider Risk Management in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Insider risk management targets threats from the very heart of an organization—its people. Whether intentional or accidental, actions by insiders like employees, contractors, or partners can lead to severe financial and reputational damage. And as high-profile incidents of corporate sabotage and intellectual property theft by insiders continue to make headlines, businesses can no longer afford to be complacent.

The 11 Best User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) Tools

As cyber threats continue to surge and malicious insiders pose significant risks, user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) tools have become an essential component of a comprehensive security strategy, helping organizations to detect anomalous behavior and hidden threats.

Malicious Insider Threats: How To Detect & Prevent Attacks

Data breaches and external threats are concerns for any security professional, but the most catastrophic security vulnerabilities often originate from malicious insider threats. This is not just an issue, it’s a pressing and immediate concern that demands our utmost attention. Here, we identify how to spot a malicious insider and provide proven strategies for preventing insider threats with technology-based solutions to protect your organization.

CrowdStrike Falcon: Pros, Cons, Features & Alternatives

Data breaches, malware attacks, and insider threats pose constant risks to businesses of all sizes. To protect your valuable data and critical infrastructure, you need a robust endpoint security solution. CrowdStrike Falcon stands out in the market, offering unique features like next-generation antivirus (NGAV) and endpoint detection and response (EDR). Before deciding, it’s essential to grasp these distinctive strengths and weaknesses.