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Unintentional Insider Threats: The Overlooked Risk

Could your employees be unintentionally putting your business at risk? While companies prioritize protection against external cyber threats, the often-overlooked unintentional insider threats can lead to significant financial and reputational risks for your business. These threats can come from simple human errors, such as accidental data sharing, misconfigurations, or falling victim to phishing attacks.

Employee Data Theft: Warning Signs & How to Prevent

How safe is your business from an employee stealing data? Employee data theft refers to the unauthorized access, transfer, or misuse of a company’s confidential data by its employees. Whether driven by malice or negligence, this type of data theft poses a significant risk to your business’s security and reputation. As incidents of insider threats rise, it becomes crucial for companies to identify the warning signs and implement the necessary preventive measures.

Data Breach Prevention: Tactics, Techniques & Tools

Chances are, every single person who reads this article has experienced a type of data breach at least once: a phishing email that looked like a late bill fee that led to identity theft, an accidental email sent including proprietary company or customer data, a parent calling to ask if they should send money to a prince abroad (after the fact), or an open backpack that leads to the physical theft of a mobile device.

12 Types of Data Breaches to Look Out For in 2024

Already in 2024, nearly 10,000 publicly disclosed global data breaches affected hundreds of millions of user records. Apple, Meta, and Twitter all succumbed to data breaches in 2024 (and numerous times in the past), providing the public and its shareholders with a stark reminder that malicious activity constantly makes user data susceptible to cybercriminal activity, no matter the platform or level of password security.

Mastering Your 2024 Endpoint Security Strategy

In IT, endpoints are the physical devices that connect to a network system. In a corporate environment, endpoints include mobile devices, desktop computers, laptops, servers, and other equipment employees use to access the network and other critical digital systems. A company with fewer than 50 employees typically averages around 22 endpoints, 50-100 employees average more than 100, and companies with more than 1,000 employees average nearly 2,000.

Threat Hunting 2.0: The Future of Proactive Defense

Today, organizations are confronted with a multitude of cybersecurity risks, both from external and internal threats. The global cost of cybercrime is projected to exceed $10 trillion by 2025. In 2023, a staggering 72% of all organizations worldwide fell victim to ransomware attacks, which is just one type of threat. The reality is that cyber threats are pervasive, and the adversaries behind them are becoming increasingly sophisticated with each passing year.

The Top 8 Endpoint DLP Solutions in 2024

Endpoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions are critical tools for organizations looking to safeguard sensitive information from insider threats, unintentional leaks, and external attacks. These solutions monitor, detect, and block the transfer of valuable data outside company networks, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. In this post, we’ll explore the top eight endpoint DLP solutions that offer robust security features, ease of use, and integration capabilities.

Business Email Compromise Attacks: How To Prevent & Recover

Imagine receiving a work email from your finance department asking about an overdue invoice. You notice it has a few extra typos and uses strange language, so disregarding it as junk. What you don’t know is that your very busy coworker receives the same email at the same time. Because they’re more distracted than normal, they respond, unknowingly aiding with a business email compromise (BEC) attack.