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Forward Networks

Today's Networks are Complex and Complicated, but do they have to be?

Networks today are different from what they were ten years ago, and one could argue that depending on the organization you work for, these networks are different from those just a few years ago. The rise of hybrid networks has made troubleshooting these networks that much more complex. Before, it could have been a hub and spoke design from your end users to the resources they need to access in one of the data centers.

Globee Disruptor Awards names Forward Enterprise 2023 Silver Winner

The Globee Awards for Disruptors recognizes and celebrates organizations and individuals who have significantly contributed to disruptive innovation across various industries. These awards acknowledge the trailblazers who have challenged the status quo, introduced groundbreaking ideas, and transformed traditional practices through their disruptive approaches.

Mergers don't have to be a nightmare for IT teams

When it comes to merger and acquisition activity – 2023 is poised to be an active year despite uncertain macroeconomic conditions. As always, financial due diligence will be the cornerstone of successful M&A endeavors. Unfortunately for IT teams, there’s no similar process for scrutinizing the network.

Tame the CVE Beast using a Digital Twin

There are never enough hours in the day to do everything. I think we all have a to-do list that is at least twice as long as the time available to complete it. To cope, we prioritize what’s “on fire” or what has the most potential to immediately cause damage if it’s not taken care of. Often the things we “should” focus on fall to the wayside as they are outshined by what we must do immediately.

Common Microsegmentation Errors and How to Prevent Them Using a Digital Twin

Defining and implementing a network microsegmentation strategy is paramount to securing the network and protecting assets. However, it’s also a time-consuming and resource-intensive endeavor. This means it’s vital that enterprises are confident that their zone-to-zone security policy is functioning as intended.

Need to Improve Efficiency? Access the Data in Your Network for Better Performance, Security, and Reliability

TLDR – watch our presentation on the Tech Field Day YouTube Channel. How many times have you been asked to improve efficiency, do more with less, or work with fewer staff than needed due to talent shortages or resource constraints? Throughout my decades-long IT career, the network has been the backbone of the business – yet our teams are always expected to do more with less and to be bulletproof while we’re doing it. And somehow, we always rise to the challenge.

Making Operations More Agile and Efficient with a Digital Twin

On January 25, Forward Networks was honored to host Cloud Field Day 16. We especially enjoy working with the delegates because of their industry experience and objective viewpoints; in fact, we launched our product at a Networking Field Day in 2017. This blog is the first in a series covering our Cloud Field Day 16 presentations.

Startup and Stability, Surprisingly now in the Same Sentence?

These are uncertain times in tech. If you’re at one of the many companies in the news recently, think back to why you joined. Was it the people? The tech? Or maybe… the perception of a rock-solid, not-going-anywhere, totally-guaranteed position? Things have changed lately.