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Covid-19: The importance of data & how it relates to Network Security

When China built an entire emergency hospital in a matter of days in Wuhan – a city about the size of NYC that most of us had never heard of – the world was watching with concern, but somehow still expected and hoped that the crisis would somehow remain contained to China, or at least Asia. People in Europe and the U.S.

New features in EventSentry v4.1

Brief overview of all new features in v4.1, including NetFlow malicious traffic detection, enhanced performance monitoring via command line output capture, Active Directory password reminder emails, BitLocker, Pending Reboot & battery detection, lots of visual & functional improvements to the web reports and more!
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RDProtector: Automatically blocking malicious IPs from RDP with EventSentry

The recently discovered BlueKeep RDP vulnerability reminds us yet again (as if needed to be reminded) that monitoring RDP is not a luxury but an absolute necessity. Many organizations still expose RDP ports to the Internet, making it a prime target for attacks. But even when RDP is only available internally it can still pose a threat – especially for large networks.

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EventSentry v4.0 - Introducing ADMonitor

Since Active Directory is the foundation of all Windows networks, monitoring Active Directory needs to be part of any comprehensive security strategy. Up to version 3.5, EventSentry utilized Windows auditing and the security event log to provide reports on: User Account Changes, Group Changes and Computer Account Changes.