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Generating fake security data with Python and faker-security

Snyk recently open sourced our faker-security Python package to help anyone working with security data. In this blog post, we’ll briefly go over what this Python package is and how to use it. But first, we’ll get some context for how the factory_boy Python package can be used in combination with faker-security to improve your test-writing experience during development. Note: Some knowledge of Python is helpful for getting the most out of this post.

The ultimate guide to Python pickle

During application development, we often need to persist complex data (like objects) for use in different runtimes. However, maintaining persistence within complex data structures and objects is far from straightforward. In Python, you can use the built-in pickle library to handle this process. Pickle can serialize a Python object into a flat byte stream (pickling) as well as transform a byte stream back into a Python object (unpickling).

Case study: Python RCE vulnerability in Celery

I conducted research based upon existing Python vulnerabilities and identified a common software pattern between them. By utilizing the power of our in-house static analysis engine, which also drives Snyk Code, our static application security testing (SAST) product, I was able to create custom rules and search across a large dataset of open source code, to identify other projects using the same pattern. This led to the discovery of a stored command injection vulnerability in Celery.

JFrog Discloses 3 Remote Access Trojans in PyPI

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling to detect and avert potential software supply chain security threats. After validating the findings, the team reports any security vulnerabilities or malicious packages discovered to repository maintainers and the wider community.

Tame the snake: Snyk shines a spotlight on Python security

Today, 43% of all data breaches are directly linked to vulnerabilities found in applications. With the programming language Python reaching ever greater popularity in the developer space, Snyk has taken an in-depth look at security issues relating to the language and found that, "while 81% of the most popular Python packages are in a healthy state," roughly 20% of the security weaknesses identified by Snyk Code are related to Python projects.

Redacting Sensitive Data in 4 Lines of Code

In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how easy it is to redact sensitive data and give you a more in-depth look at various redaction techniques, how Nightfall works, and touch upon use cases for redaction techniques. Before we get started, let’s set our Nightfall API key as an environment variable and install our dependencies for our code samples in Python.

Python Malware Imitates Signed PyPI Traffic in Novel Exfiltration Technique

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling to report vulnerable and malicious packages to repository maintainers. Earlier this year we disclosed several malicious packages targeting developers’ private data that were downloaded approximately 30K times.

TensorFlow Python Code Injection: More eval() Woes

JFrog security research team (formerly Vdoo) has recently disclosed a code injection issue in one of the utilities shipped with Tensorflow, a popular Machine Learning platform that’s widely used in the industry. The issue has been assigned to CVE-2021-41228. This disclosure is hot on the heels of our previous, similar disclosure in Yamale which you can read about in our previous blog post.

Best practices for containerizing Python applications with Docker

From reading many Python Docker container blogs, we’ve found that the majority of posts provide examples of how to containerize a Python application independent of its framework (Django, Flask, Falcon, etc.). For example, you might see something like this: With this Dockerfile, we can build and run a Python Flask application: Two simple steps and it works just fine, right?