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Handle secrets like API keys securely in javascript projects with environment variables

In this video we look at how to effectively use the dotenv npm package to securely use secrets like API keys by loading them into your project as environment variables. To do this we first place our secrets in a.env file and the dotenv project will load these in as env variables.

Detect Secrets In Docker Images With ggshield - The GitGuardian CLI

Did you know that you can use ggshield to scan docker images for secrets? Many Docker images get shared through places like Dockerhub, and sometimes, images get shared unexpectedly, such as when you have a code leak. We built the `ggshield secret scan docker` command to help. With one simple command, anyone on your team can quickly detect any hardcoded credentials inside a docker image.

Secure Software Supply Chain by Signing Git Commits With Keeper

The modern threat landscape is constantly changing and the software supply chain has become a common target for cybercriminals. Cyberthreats have become a headache for overworked developers and DevOps teams as they face tight deadlines, limited staffing resources and the added burden of ensuring that their code does only what it is intended to do and is free of bugs and malware.