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Setting the cyberscene: Leading with a security first mindset

Our current global landscape is testing resiliency. As organizations continue to shift to a remote work business model, the rush to digitally transform has created new and heightened cyber risk concerns. Protecting these digital connections needs to stay top of mind for leaders looking to help their organizations adapt to these changes while continuing to innovate. In this blog, we will look to set the cyberscene and focus on a security first mindset.

CISO Interview Series: How Aiming for the Sky Can Help Keep Your Organization Secure

Organizations need the right internal personnel like a CISO to keep their systems and data secure. But what kind of skills do these leaders need? And how should they guide their employers in a way that doesn’t overlook the evolving threat landscape? To find out, I spoke decided to speak with Goher Mohammad. Goher is the Group Head of Information Security (CSO) for L&Q. He has held that position there for just under three years.

The Many Challenges of a CISO - The ClubCISO 2021 Information Security Maturity Report

We all have heard and read how the pandemic has disrupted our lives, how it has accelerated digital transformation to an unprecedented extent and how it challenged the existing security policies and practices. The question is how the people responsible for fortifying their organizations experienced the whole situation.

2021 Cybersecurity: Mitigating Mobile Security Risks for CISOs

Cybersecurity has always been a significant challenge for businesses, mostly due to the increasing financial and reputational cost of data breaches. As a result, there has been a consistent rise in tactics and technologies used to combat these threats. These methods fulfill the need for better, smarter ways to augment enterprise-level security and minimize mobile security risks.

A CISO's guide to sensitive data protection

As companies become more digitized, they must take appropriate steps in their application security processes to ensure data protection. The SolarWinds software supply chain attack, which was delivered to over 18,000 customers via the company’s own software update process, was the result of malicious code deployed in SolarWinds’ Orion network monitoring software.

Google's Office of the CISO Points the Way Towards Scaling Security

Amazon’s, Google’s and Microsoft’s experiences with building massive infrastructures for the world allows for some fascinating insights into the future of IT security at scale. As a result, when Google published The CISO’s Guide to Cloud Security Transformation earlier this year, I was curious about what priorities they saw in cloud security. It’s a short read, and it’s well worth the time invested in downloading a copy.

Confessions of a CISO

Ever wonder what really bugs a CISO. Well, do we have a story for you. In this Log’s Honest Truth podcast, presented in partnership with ITSP Magazine, Devo CISO JC Vega discusses the confessions of “Mr. T” (we disguised his face to protect his identity) a veteran CISO. Listen to the podcast. “Mr. T” faced three primary challenges: Next up, the confessions of “Mr. V,” a digital security and fraud director.