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Email Security

Ethical Phishing: Testing Your Employees

The Rationale Behind Ethical Phishing Simulation Phishing attacks continue to be a primary vector for cybercriminals seeking unauthorized access to a company’s systems and data. These attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it crucial for organizations to educate their workforce about the dangers they pose. Ethical phishing tests are designed to mimic real-world phishing scenarios.

What are AI Phishing Attacks?

What are AI Phishing Attacks? AI phishing attacks, also known as AI-powered phishing or AI-driven phishing, are sophisticated cyberattacks that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to craft and execute highly convincing phishing attempts. These attacks are designed to deceive individuals or employees into divulging sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial details, or personal data. How Do AI Phishing Attacks Work?

MFA Defenses Fall Victim to New Phishing-As-A-Service Offerings

ZeroFox warns that phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) offerings are increasingly including features to bypass multi-factor authentication. “In 2023, ‘in-the-middle’ techniques are some of the most frequently-observed methods used to gain access to MFA-secured networks,” the researchers write. “They enable threat actors to intercept or bypass MFA protocols by stealing communications without the victim’s knowledge.

New Wave of Hospitality Phishing Attacks: Compromise User Credentials, Then Go Phish

The hospitality sector is seeing a new wave of phishing attacks. These new attacks are more plausible because they begin with compromised credentials and move to fraudulent emails sent from within a trusted network. The compromised systems are legitimate booking sites; the victims are the guests. Akamai, which has described the trend, outlines a three-step attack chain.

How To Spot Phishing Emails

Phishing emails have traditionally been easy to spot by looking for signs such as misspelled words and unsolicited links and attachments. Although phishing emails are not a new occurrence, they have become a part of our daily lives. With the advancement of technology, however, the cybercriminals behind these phishing emails now have developed new ways to scam their victims. Regardless of these advancements, there are still ways to protect yourself from phishing emails.

Cloudflare Email Security now works with CrowdStrike Falcon LogScale

We are excited to announce an extended partnership between CrowdStrike and Cloudflare to bring together Cloudflare Email Security and CrowdStrike Falcon® LogScale. With this integration, joint customers who have both Falcon LogScale and Cloudflare Email Security can now send detection data to be ingested and displayed within their Falcon LogScale dashboard.

Vanishing Act: The Secret Weapon Cybercriminals Use in Your Inbox

Researchers at Barracuda describe how attackers use legitimate email inbox rules to control compromised accounts and evade detection. “In order to create malicious email rules, the attackers need to have compromised a target account, for example, through a successful phishing email or by using stolen credentials seized in an earlier breach,” the researchers write.

USPS Customers Become the Latest Target of the Chinese Smishing Group Called "Smishing Triad"

A new SMS-based phishing attack uses a smishing kit-as-a-service to impersonate the U.S. Postal Service. If you’ve received a fake text from the U.S. Postal Service in the last month, you’re not alone. A Cybercrime-as-a-Service (CaaS) group based in China is likely behind the attack, and many others. According to security researchers at cybersecurity vendor Resecurity, the group is behind similar attacks throughout the globe, posing as the U.K.

Why is Security Awareness Training Needed?

Security Awareness Training is essential for several reasons: 1. **Human Error**: Many security breaches occur due to human error. Employees may inadvertently click on malicious links, download malware, or share sensitive information with unauthorized individuals. Security awareness training helps employees recognize potential threats and avoid common mistakes. 2.