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Barnes & Noble warns customers it has been hacked, customer data may have been accessed

American bookselling giant Barnes & Noble is contacting customers via email, warning them that its network was breached by hackers, and that sensitive information about shoppers may have been accessed. In the email to customers, Barnes & Noble says that it became aware that it had fallen victim to a cybersecurity attack on Saturday October 10th.

Fix now: High risk vulnerabilities at large, October 13th

This time around, the MySQL vulnerabilities caught our attention because of their low CVSS scores compared to their high likelihood risk rating. This is something we see often when working with our customers, and demonstrates how a risk based approach to vulnerability management changes as organizations focus on where there is a real risk of compromise.

Add DLP to Airtable with Nightfall's API platform

Airtable has proven its staying power among tech unicorns as a customizable and collaborative project management platform that empowers users to track literally anything at work or at home. When the company announced its $185 million Series D funding in September, they generated a whole new round of buzzworthy headlines. For security leaders, this means that new requests for adding Airtable to tech stacks are likely on the way.

Making SCA part of your AST Strategy

Open source software is now used in nearly every organization, which makes it critical to know your code. Learn how an SCA tool can help you. There’s an ongoing sea change in how developers ensure a more secure software development life cycle (SDLC). “Shift left” is the notion that creating high-quality software begins with planning and continues through the development and testing stages to actual deployment.

A Few Minutes More: Add Xray DevSecOps to Artifactory Enterprise on Azure

In a prior blog post, we explained how to install or update Artifactory through the Azure Marketplace in the amount of time it takes for your coffee order to arrive on the counter. Now you can add to your self-managed (BYOL) Artifactory deployment Xray, the cream of software component analysis (SCA) tools, through the Azure Marketplace as well.

Event Log Management for Security and Compliance

Security log management is the process of collecting, storing, and correlating the network data that details all activity in your systems and networks. Every action in an organization’s network generates event data, including records produced by operating systems, applications, devices, and users. The Center for Internet Security (CIS) identifies log management as a basic control for detecting malicious actors and software hiding in networks and on machines.

Penetration Testing Services: what to look for in a pen test provider

These days computers and the software that operate upon them touch practically every part of our professional and personal lives. The information they store, process and transmit is the foundation upon which businesses are built, how customer experiences are delivered, and how we find the best takeout food in our immediate area. So why is it so hard to keep them highly secure?

Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM overview

Sumo Logic's Cloud SIEM solution provides security analysts with enhanced visibility to seamlessly monitor their on-prem, hybrid, and multi-cloud infrastructures and thoroughly understand the impact and context of an attack. In addition to supporting a wide spectrum of security use cases, including audit & compliance, Sumo Logic fused analytics and SOC automation to perform security analyst workflows and automatically triage alerts—increasing human efficiencies and enabling analysts to focus on higher-value security functions.

Human Layer Security Live - Quantifying human risk: The first step to a secure future - Ed Amoroso

Ed Amoroso, CEO at TAG Cyber LLC and former-CISO at AT&T Research shows sensitive data is put at risk due to email usage every 1.5 days – but in reality, this figure is much higher. That’s because more than half of CISOs rely on employees and their recipients to report email data breaches, despite this approach being inherently unreliable. As a result, CISOs are unable to accurately measure insider risk and deploy technology to properly mitigate it.