Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Say What? Natural Language Processing Improves Cloud Security

This is the third entry in a series of articles focused on AI/ML. Natural language processing (NLP) is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that gives machines the ability to read, understand, and derive meaning from human languages. NLP powers many applications that we use every day, such as virtual assistants, machine translation, chatbots, and email auto-complete. The technology is still evolving very quickly.

Impact WA Cybersecurity Webinar

Impact Washington, through the US Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment and Department of Commerce, is assisting small to medium size businesses in Washington state with Cybersecurity Readiness as the emerging Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) regulations will be required for all federal contractors and their subcontractors in the near future.

3 Steps to Building a Resilient Incident Response Plan

According to the Accenture State of Cybersecurity 2020 report, the average cost of a cyber attack for ‘non-leaders’ stands at $380,000 per incident. The report classifies organizations into ‘leaders’ and ‘non-leaders.’ The ‘leaders’ are those who set the bar for innovation and achieve high-performing cyber resilience. Given the rate of cyber attacks today, a security breach can easily run a non-resilient business into a major loss.

Data Classification in Microsoft 365

More and more organizations are recognizing the power and value of data classification. By accurately classifying and labeling the information you store, you can: If your organization is like most, you now rely on cloud platforms like SharePoint Online, OneDrive and Exchange Online, and you need to know exactly what types of data is being stored there so you can ensure sensitive content is properly protected.

The Importance and Difference Between Indicators of Attack and Indicators of Compromise

The recent headlines attest that no organization is immune to targeted attacks launched by skilled, persistent adversaries. These highly sophisticated attackers gain unprecedented success against large and even well-equipped organizations across the world. The detection of these attacks is a daunting task. However, if you are well aware of the Indicator of Attacks (IoA) and Indicators of Compromise (IoC), then you can resolve issues with better outcomes.

Tackling your network security challenges using ManageEngine ITOM solutions

Network security management typically entails end-to-end management of the entire network security infrastructure of an enterprise. However, in this rapidly changing security ecosystem, there’s an inherent need for IT admins to be extremely agile to maintain an effective security posture.

SecTor 2020, Canada's biggest cybersecurity event: Day one

I live in Toronto, so I always try my best to get to SecTor, Canada’s most important cybersecurity event, every October. Most years, SecTor has taken place in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. But because of the unusual circumstances affecting the world in 2020, this year the event took place online exclusively. SecTor organizers hope that conditions improve by October 2021 so they can resume hosting the event in-person.

What Is Ethical Hacking & How It Can Secure Your Business?

The term "hacker" gets thrown around in a variety of contexts and in a multitude of different ways nowadays. While it's great that cybersecurity is gaining more and more awareness across the globe, the technical nature of cybersecurity means that terms are often used interchangeably, in different contexts, and sometimes incorrectly.

Top 7 Office 365 Security Best Practices (includes Actionable Tips)

Follow our best-practice recommendations for Office 365 security. These security recommendations would help you avoid common configuration errors and improve security posture to protect Office 365 against cyber attacks. Microsoft Exchange online is one of the many products in O365 offering. It is a cloud-based messaging solution consisting of an Exchange server.

Webinar | Teleport v4.4 | Release Demo |

Join Director of Product Ben Arent and CEO Ev Kontsevoy to learn about Teleport’s newest iteration! Teleport 4.4 enables greater visibility into access and behavior by adding Concurrent Session Control features to limit the number of concurrent sessions. Additionally, it can now restrict session sharing and handle idle sessions automatically, making it possible for the user to meet stronger compliance requirements. Ben and Ev will detail these new features, give a demo to show what they will look like in action, and answer all your burning questions.