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5 reasons integrated patch and vulnerability management mitigates risks swiftly and efficiently

ESG research on cyber risk management, which involved 340 cybersecurity professionals, revealed that 40 percent felt tracking patch and vulnerability management over time was their biggest challenge.

Extended threat detection and response (XDR): Filling out cybersecurity gaps

Image source Business technology generally advances on a rapid basis, however, so do the cyberthreats that can endanger your security. According to BusinessWire, more than half of enterprises believe that their security cannot keep up, and according to IBM News Room, more than half of organizations with cybersecurity incident response plans fail to test them.

Breaking Containers to Improve Security: Docker and Snyk

What does a container exploit look like? What happens when someone breaks into your container? How can Docker and Snyk integration help you fix these problems? This Docker Workshop "Breaking Containers to Improve Security" answers these questions in a live hack demo. Snyk and Docker partner to power image scanning behind Docker Desktop and Docker Hub. Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.