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Red Teaming - The Fundamentals 1.2

In part one we discussed what a Red Team Assessment is, but how does a Red Team Assessment differ from a Penetration Test? With a Red Team Assessment, we’re testing the whole company, essentially how it fares up to a worst-case scenario attack, whether that’s by a competitive company engaging in corporate espionage hell-bent on disrupting business, or harvesting data, or a criminal organisation breaking in and stealing physical equipment or damaging key infrastructure.

Anatomy of a Data Breach - How to Protect Your Clients and Brand

Industry veterans Brian Lapidus and David White recently hosted a 40-minute dive into data breaches, how to expedite your response and what to expect when facing a breach of sensitive data, regardless of how it happens. The session was followed by live Q&A. Together, Brian and David have responded to thousands of data breaches worldwide and supported over 300 million customers safeguard their identity.

How to prevent supply chain attacks with Honeytokens

Honeytokens act like tripwires, alerting organizations of malicious threats lurking at the footsteps of their sensitive data. They're a very effective intrusion detection system. So effective, in fact, that the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) highly recommends their use in network security. If strategically distributed thought an ecosystem, honeytokens could event prevent supply chain attacks.

Content scraping: How does it affect your business?

Content scrapers are automated bots that steal your content from websites and mobile apps for their own use without permission, usually for malicious purposes. Content scrapers typically copy all the content from a webpage and portray it as their own content. Bots can scrape all of the content on a website in a matter of seconds, even for large websites such as eCommerce sites with thousands of product pages. These bots can scrape public website information such as text, images, HTML and CSS code.

CVE-2020-10189: Zoho ManageEngine Vulnerability Still Dangerous Nearly a Year Later - The Monitor, Issue 15

Zoho ManageEngine Desktop Central is an endpoint management solution offered by Zoho. A server running this software can push updates to managed systems, remotely control and lock them, apply access controls and more. In March 2020, a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability was identified (tracked as CVE-2020-10189) in the ManageEngine software due to the deserialization of untrusted, user-controlled input in the getChartImage function of the FileStorage class within the application.

Tips for minimizing security risks in your microservices

Organizations are increasingly turning to microservices to facilitate their ongoing digital transformations. According to ITProPortal, more than three quarters (77%) of software engineers, systems and technical architects, engineers and decision makers said in a 2020 report that their organizations had adopted microservices. Almost all (92%) of those respondents reported a high level of success.

Cyber security in universities: Threats, threat actors and defence

This blog post aims to provide an overview of the state of cyber security in universities and other higher education organisations. Security has been a challenge for a long time at schools, colleges and universities. Aligning ourselves with the glass-half-full attitude, these organisations and institutions have shown good progress with basic security controls. Information security is a prerequisite for various business dealings in the public sector, grant funding and procurement processes.