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Wi-Fi Hacking: How to Secure a Wireless Network?

In this modern world of fast-moving technology and handheld devices, it seems impossible to function properly without access to wireless internet. People all over the world from all walks of life rely on this wireless communication or Wi-Fi to complete their daily tasks and goals. From entertainment to business all things are done with the help of the wireless internet.

Interview with a Hacker How are Attackers Targeting Mobile Devices

Every organization today utilizes mobile as a productivity tool by providing a full range of access to corporate resources for iOS and Android devices. With employees accessing O365, G Suite, Salesforce, and other services where attackers see an opportunity. Join Lookout and Eurofins to learn from the hacker's perspective.

What is CIFS?

CIFS (Common Internet File System) is a network protocol that allows clients to communicate with servers and access file sharing and print services as if they were stored locally. The CIFS protocol is a particular implementation -- or dialect-- of the file-sharing protocol SMB (Server Message Block). The Server Message Block protocol was released by IBM in 1983 that has since undergone several modifications to its functionality by Microsoft.

CIFS vs. SMB: What's the Difference?

CIFS and SMB are both Windows file-sharing protocols used in storage systems, such as network-attached systems (NAS). The key difference between CIFS and SMB is that CIFS is a dialect of SMB – a particular implementation of the SMB protocol. The CIFS protocol is now considered an outdated SMB dialect, with the newer SMB 2.0 and SMB 3.0 addressing many of the inefficiencies of CIFS.

Cybersecurity and Drones: How to Address the Security Threats

The Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) industry has become a massive technological playground worldwide. Their extensive applications make UAS very popular for the public and the private sector. Armed forces, agricultural industry, law enforcement, meteorological agencies, medical services, environmental companies, and oil refineries are but a few out of the excessive list of UAS users.

Analyzing the PwnKit local privilege escalation exploit

What do Linux vulnerabilities and natural disasters have in common? Something seemingly dormant can suddenly spring to life, exposing activity beneath the surface. Several days ago, a security researcher published a high-severity vulnerability named PwnKit that impacts most major Linux distributions. The scary part? It’s existed since May of 2009. Polkit is a component for controlling privileges in Unix-like operating systems and is included by default on most major Linux distributions.

Critical Capabilities for Mobile Vulnerability Management

As organizations enable employees to work remotely, mobile devices and wireless networks will be key tools for maintaining communication and remaining productive. Allowing employees to work productively from any device and any location can open users to the risks that come with the shared nature of a mobile device. When your employees work from a personal device with access to corporate data, the device's health must be taken into account. It must be assessed for compliance with corporate security and risk policies.