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The IKEA effect in Software Engineering

I recently had to revamp my home office setup and decided to make a trip to my closest IKEA. The wide range of choices of desks in Micke, Malm, Brusali, Alex, and Bekant was only the beginning of the journey. I knew I had to head back home with the desk, find a good place to unpack the unit, find my screwdrivers, hammer, alan keys, and finally dedicate a few hours of labor to assemble everything. I enjoy the process but it is not devoid of frustrations.

Five worthy reads: Cybersecurity mesh-An extension of the Zero Trust Network

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week let’s zoom in on cybersecurity mesh, which brings a twist to the existing security architecture with a distributed approach.

Why security scare tactics aren't effective - and what to do instead

We hear a lot about the consequences of practicing poor security. And for a while, this was rightfully so. When the importance of cybersecurity was still emerging, many people didn’t understand what could happen if they weren’t following proper security procedures.

Weekly Cyber Security News 05/11/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Further developments in unexpected way on the leak of potential UK gun holders. The company in light of the disaster quite blatantly it appears has filed for insolvency and reincorporated to avoid any come back. That alone is quite something, however to sort of admit that on Facebook is well… Unfortunate…