Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Egress Prevent

Stop email data loss with Egress Prevent Prevent uses social graph and contextual machine learning technologies on desktop and mobile to accurately model user relationships. We then detect anomalous recipients in real time to avoid a damaging data breach. Importantly, we also supervise our machine learning algorithms with policies so Prevent can immediately detect more outbound risks, such as wrong attachments, conflicts of interest, data exfiltration, and weak TLS certificates.

Egress Protect

Make sending encrypted emails easy with Egress Protect. Our simple controls combined with gateway encryption, means you can send and revoke sensitive emails and large files securely. Maintaining your compliance and removing risk. Our flexible authentication techniques remove friction and even allow trusted recipients seamless access to sensitive emails without having to log into a separate secure portal.

Egress Secure Workspace

Easily share confidential data with Egress Secure Workspace. Our encrypted environment offers enterprise-grade permissions at the click of a button. This enables employees to control how teammates and external partners interact with files to keep sensitive content secure. Secure Workspace can be used to share files of any size or format, and users can set controls to limit when and where recipients can access information, and what they can do with it. Robust anti-virus checks, and accredited security frameworks provide additional protection.

How Should Organizations Tackle Their Data Privacy Requirements?

Data is among the most valuable assets that need to be safeguarded at all costs. But in the digitally-driven business world, cybercrimes are prevalent, making data protection and data privacy a main focal point. The increasing use of technology and the growing exposure to evolving cyber threats have dramatically changed the data security and privacy landscape. For these reasons, international regulatory bodies around the world have created stringent data privacy laws for businesses to meet.

Why Is It Important to Invest in OT Cybersecurity for 2022?

As we enter 2022, it’s important that organizations invest in cybersecurity for their operational technology (OT) systems. Why? One of the reasons is that Industry 4.0 can sometimes introduce more risk for OT. This is evident in several Industry 4.0 market trends. For example, there’s digital twin infrastructure. That’s where you make a digital copy of your production facility or your machine.

How To Protect and Store Sensitive Data in SaaS Platforms with Cloud DLP

Mega-breaches, or reported breach incidents that impact more than one million records, have increased dramatically. Our analysis shows that, on average, mega-breaches increased 36% year over year since 2016. In total, mega-breach incidents that we analyzed cost at minimum a combined $8.8 billion and exposed 51 billion records.

How fraudsters bypass MFA to get into banks, brokers and crypto wallets

Passwords are dying as a sole security measure, particularly within financial services. It is widely expected (and in the UK, mandatory) that any institution responsible for finances, from banks to brokers and even crypto wallets, should be implementing multi factor authentication (MFA) to prevent fraudsters gaining access to accounts using automated attacks, even if they know the user’s password.

Approaching Linux Post-Exploitation with Splunk Attack Range

With the recent release of Sysmon (System Monitor) for Linux by Microsoft, new opportunities for monitoring, detection development, and defense are now possible. Sysmon for Windows is a very popular tool among detection developers and blue teamers as it provides extensive details from system activity and windows logs. Due to the extensive information this service/driver provides in Microsoft Windows, it is very useful when researching attacks and replicating malicious payloads on lab machines.

Securing DoD Systems - A Look at SOAR

It would be hard to overstate the critical importance of security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) capabilities for the effective mission success of security operations centers (SOC). Without a solid SOAR capability in place, an SOC will be easily overwhelmed with routine and repetitive tasks that in and of themselves could become a vulnerability.

What Are BlackMatter Ransomware Attacks?

Following the 2021 cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline that caused a nationwide supply-chain disruption, numerous cybersecurity companies and federal agencies increased their efforts to find and shut down ransomware groups and curb the rise of cyberattacks. Those efforts have resulted in the shutdown of ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) groups such as DarkSide and REvil, which had been targeting critical infrastructure including healthcare providers of financial systems.