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The Call Is Coming from Inside the House: CrowdStrike Identifies Novel Exploit in VOIP Appliance

CrowdStrike Services recently investigated a suspected ransomware intrusion attempt. The intrusion was quickly stopped through the customer’s efforts and those of the CrowdStrike Falcon Complete™ managed detection and response (MDR) team, which was supporting this customer’s environment.

SSH Certificates: How Do OpenSSH Certificates Compare to X.509?

X.509 is the first thing that comes to mind when discussing digital certificates. After all, it is the most widely used digital certificate in the PKI ecosystem and is the core component of SSL/TLS protocols, the technology that powers HTTPS. X.509 was first released on 25 November 1988 and is powerful, extensible and widely supported. But it's not the only certificate format available out there. For example, the popular email encryption program PGP uses a custom certificate format instead of X.509.

Dear AppSec: I Was a Credit Card Skimming Attack Victim. (And It Sucks!)

I am a credit card skimming attack victim. It happened about eight weeks ago, and to this day, we’re still dealing with the repercussions. This is a true story. (Although I did substitute a few facts to protect the innocent.) And yes, while I work for Feroot, and this is appearing in our blog, I think it is important that cybersecurity professionals hear first hand from a card skimming attack victim—someone who is like every other customer that their business supports.

M&A, trust in software, and a good night's sleep

Building trust in your software is important, but software trust is even more important in M&A transactions. The Black Duck® Audit team is part of the Synopsys Software Integrity Group. And Synopsys is all about trust. The Synopsys mission is to help you build trust in your software. There is nothing better than a good night’s sleep. And with the importance of software to almost every business today, concern about software risk can negatively impact your slumber.

NHS warns of scam COVID-19 text messages

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) has warned the public about a spate of fake messages, sent out as SMS text messages, fraudulently telling recipients that they have been exposed to the Omicron variant of COVID-19. In a tweet, the NHS said that it had seen reports of text messages that claimed to come from the NHS, telling recipients that they had been in close contact with someone who had a confirmed COVID-19 infection, and that they should order a testing kit.

Building Security into Your M&A Process Part 1: Due Diligence

If you read the news, you already know that we’re seeing a huge uptick in mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Global M&A volumes hit a record high in 2021—increasing by 64% over the previous year and topping $5 trillion for the first time ever. This activity continues to surge in 2022 as companies use M&A to manage the still-unpredictable economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and find their strategic footing.

IoT and the GDPR - How to stay compliant

Businesses that incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) into their daily operations have rarely, if ever, had access to so many resources to help improve your customer reach, collect more personal data and reduce your internal operational expenses due to IoT automation. IoT devices are ubiquitous, and as technology advances, so does the invention and use of connected devices within workplaces and our homes.

Is cybersecurity sales culture bad for cybersecurity?

The market for cybersecurity solutions is changing, but the way vendors sell security products seems stuck in the past. There’s a lot that can be said about this, but here we want to raise an issue that isn’t talked about enough: Is cybersecurity sales culture, itself, bad for cybersecurity?

What is Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)?

Businesses are moving their data to the cloud to reduce costs and increase their agility. As more applications and data migrate to the cloud, the risk of sensitive data and applications being exposed dramatically increases. In addition, as organizations deploy applications and services in different cloud environments, maintaining security and compliance across the board is becoming more complex than ever before.

How to Secure Online Video Gaming from The Biggest Cyber Threats in 2022

Imagine, you are in the middle of a heated battle and are almost ready to claim the victory over your virtual opponent when you see a note on the screen: “We are experiencing a DDoS attack which may result in disconnections for some players.” Now?