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8 Ways to Implement an Effective GRC Framework

Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) is a broad organizational strategy that aims to align an entire organization’s focus on the achievement of business objectives, the management of business risks, and regulatory compliance. A solid foundational framework enables your organization to continue strengthening and refining its GRC strategy over time. It ensures each department’s objectives align with the business as a whole.

Supply Chain Cybersecurity - the importance of everyone

This week, I spoke with a new client who told me all about how they are looking forward to addressing a number of internal issues surrounding their IT systems. They explained that over the last 12 months, they repeatedly had issues of delays in service and outages, which had affected their business. Discussing this further, I explored their relationship with the supplier and asked what due diligence they had performed prior to working with them.

JUMPSEC Summer Industry Briefing Benchmarking EDR/MDR solutions

Benchmarking EDR/MDR Solutions presented by Tom Ellson, Head of Offensive Security We recently completed a review of a number of industry-recognised EDR and MDR solutions. This led us to take a novel approach that addresses many of the limitations and constraints typically met when undertaking this type of assessment. You will learn why context is key to threat detection, and how the different vendors performed in our realistic and representative environment against goal-focused attack paths.

JUMPSEC Summer Industry Briefing UK Threat Landscape Trends

UK Threat Landscape Trends - Presented by John Fitzpatrick, CTO John Fitzpatrick reflects on the last six months, examining the key threats and trends we have observed affecting UK institutions. Specifically, we will delve into ransomware threat evolution, presenting and discussing. This will build upon our predictions made at the last briefing, reviewing how the landscape has changed, how our predictions fared, and how it has been influenced by major cyber security events and developments.

JUMPSEC Summer Industry Briefing Understanding your Attack Surface

Understanding Your “Attack Surface” presented by Max Garaffa Attackers can access a huge amount of open-source information about your organisation over the internet. You will learn how to locate this information, understand what is most dangerous, and what you can do to counter the threat. This intelligence can be used for both offence and defence, which we have explored in recent engagements for our clients.

AI-Based Planning? You Might Want To Double-Check That Data.

AI is awesome! It can do so much for us, much faster and broader than we can do ourselves. All of AI’s benefits are great, assuming the data is trustworthy. Sure, algorithms can detect and remove outliers, but what if your corrupt data does not reside in the outliers? You can only trust the data when you establish trust at the source of the data. How often have we been conversing with a friend who is relaying information from their friend?

Why Ignorance Isn't Bliss in IoT

Why You Need a Credential Manager For Your Devices Before joining Device Authority, I gave my home IoT security exposure very little thought, and I continued to add to it. Now, I have a plethora of devices in my home including, Smart appliances, Wi-Fi lights and sockets, wireless security video, and Wi-Fi-enabled active home power monitoring, to name a few.

Bugcrowd Taps Top Hackers for Live Hacking Event with Indeed at 2022 Black Hat Conference

Bugcrowd, the leader in crowdsourced cybersecurity, announced a live hacking event to test business-critical attack surface and mobile applications for, during the 2022 Black Hat USA and DEF CON cybersecurity conferences in Las Vegas.