Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


5 Steps to Improve Your Cyber Attack Response

When cybersecurity experts speak about a cyber attack, they often refer to actions taken “left of boom” and “right of boom.” In this analogy, the boom is the breach, and the actions organizations take in the aftermath, such as utilizing their incident response plan or working with their cyber insurance company on a claim, are what happens “right of boom.” But it’s the things that happen “left of boom” that can make the difference between proactive and

Potential BEC & Phishing Activity due to Recent Banking Events in the United States

On Friday, March 10, 2023, California state regulators took possession of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and appointed The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receivers. SVB was a 40-year-old commercial bank that was an important lender for the tech and venture capital sector. It’s estimated that half of US venture-backed start-ups were customers of the bank.

The 443 Episode 233 - Here Come The Regulations

On today's episode, we cover two new sets of cybersecurity regulations, fresh off the heels of the White House's National Cybersecurity Strategy publication, targeting different critical infrastructure sectors in the United States. We'll also cover the latest in nation state activity targeting network connectivity appliances and end with some fun research into an oldie but goodie video game system.

The Compliance-as-a-Service (CaaS) Ultimate Guide

Today, many organizations are governed by various types of industry regulations. To name a few: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). These regulations are subject to regular and complex amendments, and many compliance officers expect proactive compliance from every regulated company.

3 Reasons Why Data Security Helps Ensure Cyber Recovery

Are you still relying on legacy backup systems to protect your business from cyber attacks? If so, you might want to think twice. Cyber attacks have become so common that 98% of security and IT leaders reported that they dealt with at least one in the last year. Relying on legacy backups as a defense against cyber attacks is not only ineffective but also obsolete in today's rapidly evolving threat landscape.

What to Expect for Payment Network Fraud in 2023

In our last blog, we looked at 2022’s most prominent global payment fraud trends, including application fraud and synthetic identities, bot-driven DDoS attacks, brute force BIN attacks, and authorized push payment fraud. We also discussed the convergence of cybercrime and payment fraud as cybercriminals constantly look for new ways to exploit payment networks by distracting infosec teams with cyberattacks while they launch fraud attacks.

Coffee Talk with SURGe: The Interview Series with Sergio Caltagirone

Join us as we kick off our new bi-weekly 1-1 interview series, starting with Sergio Caltagirone. Sergio was formerly at NSA, Director of Threat Intelligence at Microsoft, VP of Threat Intelligence at Dragos, Technical Director of the Global Emancipation Network, now the founder and president of the Threat Intelligence Academy, and of course, co-author of The Diamond Model. We will talk about all the things threat intelligence, thought models, and probably a solid side of snark.