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Phishing Attack Frequency Rises Nearly 50% as Some Sectors Increase by as Much as 576%

New data provides a multi-faceted look at the changing face of phishing attacks. This data includes who’s being targeted, the tactics being used, and why phishing attacks continue to work. If 2022 is any indication of what the remainder of this year will hold for organizations fending off cyber attacks, cybersecurity efforts are going to need a whole lot more emphasis.

Cyber Security Statistics of 2023: Eye Opening Facts

In today’s one-click world, organizations of all sizes should be committed to improving their cyber security posture. Helping them to mitigate the risk of a data breach and protect their critical assets. This means having the right technology, processes, and people to monitor the environment and respond to incidents quickly and effectively. According to a recent IBM analysis, the average cybercrime takes 280 days to detect and contain and costs businesses up to $3.86 million.

What is a cybersecurity report? Why are they necessary?

Waves of change are constantly disrupting companies of all sizes around the world, particularly when it comes to cybersecurity. Digital infrastructure keeps expanding, work models constantly change, and the web between businesses gets more and more intertwined. It’s no surprise that CISOs and risk leaders are evolving. A majority of boards now see cyber risk as business risk, so they’re asking hard questions around risk and exposure.

RSAC 2023: A Summary

With the dust now settled and life returning to some semblance of normalcy, we’ve still been ruminating on our week in San Francisco. It was an incredible and busy week, with a lot of top notch sessions, discussions, and of course the bustling expo. We compiled some of our daily thoughts after each full-day at the show, which you can read here, but now with some perspective, we wanted to share our four most memorable takeaways from RSA Conference 2023.