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It's Data Privacy Day Today...and Every Day

Today is Data Privacy Day, an event sponsored by the National Cyber Security Alliance. The intent is to promote awareness and best practices for how citizens should think about security and how it relates to their data, their organizations, and ultimately, our nation. At a time when we transact with all manner of data in so many form factors, we are inclined to overlook the importance of measures that keep our data and content safe.

File Based License Restriction Pitfalls

The ionCube Encoder provides two ways to add licensing restrictions to encoded files. The method we encourage most is via license files as this provides the more efficient solution because you only need to encode your files once and then can generate a separate license file for each customer. The license file can then be updated without needing to re-encode each time.

Brexit and the GDPR - what the EU Withdrawal Agreement means for data protection in the UK

Following a long period of political turmoil, the UK government’s Brexit withdrawal bill has completed its passage through the House of Commons and received royal assent. While this deal is merely the starting point of the Brexit process, it sets into motion an intensive period of trade negotiations which, regardless of whether a deal is agreed or not, could have a significant impact on the way that UK organisations operate.

The Outcomes of SIEM and SOAR in 2019 (Part 2)

Integration is one of the most critical features that every security product should have. But, unfortunately, this is not a case when it comes to too many traditional security tools. The organizations that were using SIEM with having integration capability remained secure to a large extent. For example, an effective SIEM can inject Threat Intelligence Feeds (TIF) from multiple different sources.

Navigating ICS Security: Having your Action Plan Ready

Trust, respect, understanding. These are all two-way relationships that must be earned over time. Whilst someone being hired in a senior position will likely already have a certain level of each, part of your job is to continuously cultivate all three of these elements with colleagues no matter your grade. When working within a cybersecurity practice, it is critically important to have this level of understanding across large swaths of the workforce, from the senior level to operations teams.

IBM and Sysdig team up to extend security governance with IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management

Sysdig, an industry leader for monitoring and security of cloud-native workloads, and IBM have joined forces to bring a fully Integrated powerful platform that delivers the security and performance that enterprises need in today’s multi-cloud world. Sysdig Secure and the IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management (MCM) can help you accelerate Kubernetes and cloud adoption by addressing security and regulatory compliance from the start on enterprise hybrid cloud environments.

Reducing Cyber Risk With AI and User Behavior Analytics

At the end of 2019, Security Intelligence released a report on trends that should influence your security planning for 2020. Near the top of the list was the need for visibility, alignment, and analytics when it comes to cybersecurity. Leaders are coming to terms with the idea that being able to see, understand, and have reliable records of what users are doing with their corporate assets can provide valuable insights when trying to reduce cybersecurity risks within your organization.

Announcing the latest version of Security Monitoring for Splunk App

It’s been a while since I have had the pleasure of announcing a new version of Security Monitoring (September 2018), but today I am doing just that. There is nothing better to inspire spending your evenings coding and playing with Splunk than your partner watching shows that just don’t interest you! For my UK friends, yes ‘Love Island’ is that show and for my more international friends "look it up!". So, what updates did I bring?

Who Are the Digital Service Providers (DSP) under the NIS Directive?

In a previous article, we discussed what the NIS Directive is. The European Union developed the Directive in response to the emerging cyber threats to critical infrastructure and the impact cyber-attacks have on society and the European digital market. The NIS Directive sets three primary objectives: The “actors of particular importance” are the operators providing essential services (OES) and digital service providers (DSP) in the EU.