Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


16% of Orgs Require Developers to Self-Educate on Security

Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking was spot on when he said, “Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.” It’s no secret that programming is a thriving career path – especially with the speed of software development picking up, not slowing down.

Building Your Team up to Win the Security Arms Race

In a fast-changing world, stopping to assess your success isn’t really an option anymore. It is increasingly important that security teams are constantly proving their worth and tracking their successes with a view to constantly improving so as to not to get caught behind the times and therefore exposed.

Forging Better Security Outcomes with Integrated Threat Intelligence

For most companies, security and IT systems are growing in complexity, breadth of scope, and coverage, which consumes budget and staff time. The rapid breakdown of the traditional perimeter in this “new normal” world increases the challenges IT teams and remote users face on a daily basis.

Dark Web monitoring and scanning explained

Shady deals often occur in darkness – criminal activities require secrecy to cloak their illicit nature. Today, you can find those dark places on the fringes of the internet, known as the Dark Web. More often than not, this is the place where cybercriminals go to monetize the data they’ve acquired as the result of a breach.

Monitor Alcide kAudit logs with Datadog

Kubernetes audit logs contain detailed information about every request to the Kubernetes API server and are critical to detecting misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in your clusters. But because even a small Kubernetes environment can rapidly generate lots of audit logs, it’s very difficult to manually analyze them.

Secure and monitor AWS Outposts and hybrid clouds

Today we announced that Sysdig has demonstrated successful integration of our monitoring and security software with AWS Outposts and achieved the AWS Outposts Ready designation. AWS Outposts provides a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to your datacenter, co-location space or “edge” location to support on-prem and hybrid cloud use cases. AWS Outposts provides a hardware and software stack built on Amazon’s EC2 public cloud expertise.

When It Comes to Security of the Platform, We Mean Business. Here's How.

At Splunk, we understand that a secure platform is a trustworthy one. We strive to implement a protected foundation for our customers to turn data into action, and part of that effort is giving you more frequent insight into the security enhancements that we’ve made to the platform. In this blog series, we’ll share the latest enhancements to Splunk Enterprise, review our security features in depth, and explain why these updates are important for you and your organization.

Challenges faced by companies in adopting online onboarding process

In the face of huge societal and economical challenges, the need for digital transformation seems the only ray of hope for survival for any company in any domain. Even post COVID there is no escape from going digital because generation Z who learned how to swipe a screen before they learned how to speak will be influencing and dictating the market. This might as well change the face of digital onboarding process of the customer.

Report: No Organization's Security Culture Has Received 'Excellent' Score

Security culture matters to executives, but these individuals are struggling to implement it. In a November 2019 study commissioned by KnowBe4, 94% of individuals with managerial duties or higher in security or risk management said that security culture was important for their organization’s success.

Write Code That Protects Sensitive User Data

Sensitive data exposure is currently at number 3 in the OWASP Top 10 list of the most critical application security risks. In this blog post, we will describe common scenarios of incorrect sensitive data handling and suggest ways to protect sensitive data. We will illustrate our suggestions with code samples in C# that can be used in ASP.NET Core applications. OWASP lists passwords, credit card numbers, health records, personal information and business secrets as sensitive data.