Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Suggestions to business organizations regarding security operations center and log management?

Logsign is a full feature, all-in-one SIEM solution which unifies Log Management, Security Analytics and Compliance. Smartly designed, NoSQL and hdfs embedded architecture keeps the capabilities of clustering, vertical and horizontal scalability, support for both centralized and distributed scenarios, fast indexing and real time monitoring.

Zoho CRM and Egnyte

In today’s digital world, modern enterprises need a modern strategy for managing ongoing customer relationships. Salespeople are constantly sending out documents like quotes, sales orders, and invoices, but as processes become more complex, it becomes harder to track every document for every deal. The Egnyte Connect extension for Zoho CRM simplifies this process by providing sales teams and their customers with easy, secure access to all their documents.

Building and Evaluating a Threat Intelligence Program (Part 1)

In the previous post, we discussed the basics of Threat Intelligence and its types by throwing light on the concept of knowns and unknowns. In information security, any information which can aid the internal security team in the decision-making process and reduce the recovery time accordingly is considered as threat intelligence. This first part in this series of articles will discuss threat intelligence cycle and its importance.

2 Big Steps to Keep Electronic Health Records Secure

Many industries have sweepingly digitized their documentation in the name of efficiency – substantial efficiency. The healthcare industry created the electronic health record (EHR) in the name of efficiency as well (among other benefits). But EHRs are far from universal in the medical space. While some hospitals and practices are simply slow to adopt modern practices, the greatest barrier to the universal adoption of electronic health records is privacy and security.

AI and ML: Key Tools in Emerging Cybersecurity Strategy and Investment

Recently, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) announced a multi-year investment of more than $2 billion in new and existing programs in artificial intelligence called the “AI Next campaign. Agency director, Dr. Steven Walker, explained the implications of the initiative: “we want to explore how machines can acquire human-like communication and reasoning capabilities, with the ability to recognize new situations and environments and adapt to them.”