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What is DLP?

This video briefly explains what data loss prevention is and which steps are crucial to establish a DLP process in your organization. Your confidential, regulated or business-critical data is constantly at risk of being lost. For example, it could be leaked from an unsecure location, or it might be sent to the wrong recipient in an email. To prevent critical information from leaving your organization, you need data loss prevention (DLP).

RDS: Do Not Allow LPT Port Redirection

This policy specifies whether to prevent the redirection of data to client LPT ports during a Remote Desktop Services session. You can use this setting to prevent users from mapping local LPT ports and redirecting data from the remote computer to local LPT port peripherals. If a value is configured to Disabled or Not Configured, the attacker can leverage it to map the client’s LPT ports. In addition, he can use the port to redirect data from the Terminal Server to the local LTP ports.

Code Sight IDE Plugin Combines SAST and SCA to Analyze Proprietary and Open Source Code | Synopsys

Until now, single analysis tools have given developers only a partial view of security risks – providing either static analysis of proprietary code or software composition analysis of open source. This separation often leads to undetected vulnerabilities, decreased developer productivity, and longer release cycles.