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Automate and Integrate with Rubrik APIs

Managing a large distributed environment can get busy. Rubrik has created a comprehensive API that can be integrated with any other system or workflow to ensure consistency and save you time. This allows you the flexibility to leverage pre-made integrations or custom-build your own. APIs can be used to avoid long wait times and ticket overflow, and empower users to assign SLAs, perform restores or monitor backups.

Yuba County Survived a Ransomware Attack and Lived to Tell the Tale

The growing threat of ransomware attacks is ubiquitous, which has been further accelerated by the pandemic. In February of 2021, Yuba County was hit by ransomware that infected critical systems. Despite the attacker’s demands for ransom, the county was able to avoid paying the hefty fee and quickly recovered with Rubrik. Listen in on the fireside chat with Paul LaValley, CIO of Yuba County as he shares intimate details of how they survived the attack and lived to tell the tale.

Estée Lauder Uses Rubrik to Manage and Protect Global Data at Scale

Leading house of prestige beauty, Estée Lauder is a collection of over 25 globally renowned beauty brands, each with its own unique set of data and unique challenges. To protect all data at scale while keeping costs low, the beauty company embarked on a digital transformation journey – to break free from legacy data protection and mobilize to the cloud.