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A peek into malware analysis tools

With the commercialization of cybercrime, malware variations continue to increase at an alarming rate, and this is putting many a defender on their back foot. Malware analysis — the basis for understanding the inner workings and intentions of malicious programs — has grown into a complex mix of technologies in data science and human interpretation. This has made the cost of maintaining a malware analysis program generally out of reach for the average organization.

33 Kubernetes security tools

Kubernetes security tools … there are so freaking many of them; with different purposes, scopes and licenses. That’s why we decided to create this Kubernetes security tools list, including open source projects and commercial platforms from different vendors, to help you choose the ones that look more interesting to you and guide you in the right direction depending on your Kubernetes security needs.

How to detect Kubernetes vulnerability CVE-2019-11246 using Falco

A recent CNCF-sponsored Kubernetes security audit uncovered CVE-2019-11246, a high-severity vulnerability affecting the command-line kubectl tool. If exploited, it could lead to a directory traversal, allowing a malicious container to replace or create files on a user’s workstation. This vulnerability stemmed from an incomplete fix of a previously disclosed vulnerability (CVE-2019-1002101). Are you vulnerable?

6 steps to secure your workflows in AWS

On AWS, your workloads will be as secure as you make them. The Shared Responsibility Model in which AWS operates ensures the security of the cloud, but what’s in the cloud needs to be secured by the user. This means that as a DevSecOps professional, you need to be proactive about securing your workloads in the Amazon cloud. Achieving the optimal level of security in a multi-cloud environment requires centralized, automated solutions.

New York Passes a Law that Further Expands Cyber Protection

The New York State Legislature recently passed a bill that aims to protect New York residents, regardless of the location of the business. The law, known as the Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (SHIELD) Act is designed to address unauthorized access of data. The bill expands the definition of “Breach of the security of the system” by adding the wording “access to” data. The original regulation contemplated the acquisition of data.

File transfer security risks and how to avoid them

Ransomware attacks increased by 105% in the first quarter of 2019, according to Beazley’s tally of insurance claims and data analytics. Other alarming reports show that new variants of Ransomware keep appearing almost every month. In addition, two years after the WannaCry Ransomware attacks, 1.7 million computers still remain at risk in 2019 according to TechCrunch. Fortunately, there are cybersecurity solutions that can protect your data during file transfer and file storage.

British Airways faces record £183 million GDPR fine after data breach

What’s happened? British Airways is facing a record fine of £183 million, after its systems were breached by hackers last year and the personal and payment card information of around 500,000 customers were stolen. 183 million quid!? That sounds huge! Yes, it’s the biggest fine ever handed out by the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).


Due to the revolution of the internet, cyber-attacks on unsecured networks are increasing tremendously and organizations are on the verge of data breaches. Securing proprietary information, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), or any other sensitive data have become a daunting task. Preventing business disruption, information theft, and reputational loss is necessary to thrive and survive in the competitive industry.