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Uncovering Bots in eCommerce Part Two: Loyalty Points

Loyalty schemes operated by the eCommerce industry have become so popular that they now represent a billion-dollar industry, with customers earning loyalty points when purchasing goods or services from their favourite brands. Yet financial losses from loyalty card fraud are equally significant — with an estimated $1 billion being stolen every year.

What is Your Data Worth in the Fight Against Fraud?

You don’t need us to tell you that fraud and financial crime is on the rise. A quick google search will give you endless stats to support this claim. Fraud losses are increasing as a percentage of revenue, and that direct impact on the bottom line isan area of laser focus for senior execs.

Coronavirus-Themed Cyberattacks To Watch Out For

The novel coronavirus isn’t the only plague affecting businesses. Cyberattacks are spreading, too, as malicious actors take advantage of interest in COVID-19 news and coronavirus fears to trick people into clicking on phony links and attachments in social engineering and phishing scams. The U.S.

Undetected e.02 recap: Fredrik N. Almroth - Bug Bounties

Bug bounties – some argue that this is one of the buzzwords of the decade in the cybersecurity industry. Whatever you want to label it, it’s a trend that we can’t ignore these days. A lot of companies are taking part in it, so what’s it all about? There were many valuable soundbites to take from this, and especially from podcast guest, Fredrik N. Almroth (@almroot) because he’s hacked all the tech giants and more. If you can name it, he’s probably hacked it.

5 major risks that impact vulnerable network devices

Working from home has become our new normal, with many of our jobs being performed remotely. The experience of working remotely can be as seamless as it was from our workplace, with all the technological advancements available today. Businesses have also put network security on the forefront by implementing use of virtual private networks (VPNs). This enables users to securely access confidential information hosted on the organizations’ servers.

Secure DevOps at the Edge with Sysdig and IBM

Innovative companies are looking to take advantage of cloud-native technologies beyond the data center to deliver faster innovation and competitive advantage at the edge. Recognizing the need for a common approach to create, deploy, run, secure, monitor, maintain and scale business logic and analytics applications wherever your business takes you, IBM today announced its edge computing offerings, including the IBM Edge Application Manager.

Getting Zoom Security Right - 8 Tips for Family and Friends

If you’ve read a newspaper or watched the news in the past few weeks, you’ll notice one common topic that all the major news outlets are discussing… COVID-19. Right now, many companies are trying to provide employee guidance during this worldwide pandemic, as governments ask those who can to work from home in an effort to slow the spread.

How were we Hacked? Part 1

When we read about hackers, we either think of people in Anonymous wearing Guy Fawkes masks or else that film from the mid-’90s were roller blade rolling teens bring down the baddies with elaborate rabbits and trojan horses. While complicated CIA type hacking may exist the VAST majority of hacking is simply someone getting your password and logging in online just like you would The VAST majority of hacking is simply someone getting your password and logging in online just you would

Tips for Managing Third-Party Risk in Health Care

The healthcare industry possesses the crown jewels that the bulk of attackers are after: Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Data has become the new currency in the digital underground, consisting primarily of social security numbers, credit card information, health information, and passwords.