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From The Future CIO Report: For Most, Cyber Incident Response Remains a Challenge

With most organizations receiving over 100 threat alerts every day and a reduction of endpoint visibility due to the shift to remote work, the ability to quickly detect and confidently respond to cyber threats has become a difficult challenge for organizations to undertake on their own.

How Microservices Impact Your App Security

An IBM survey of IT executives, developer executives, and developers found that 87% of microservices users agreed that microservices adoption is worthwhile. Microservices are popular with both technology leaders and developers, making them a highly effective tool for businesses of all sizes. Microservices have many uses, and security is one area where micro services can both help — and harm.

Revealing the Secrets of Kubernetes Secrets

Kubernetes secrets are the nativere sources for storing and managing sensitive data, like passwords, cloud access keys, or authentication tokens. You need to distribute this information across your Kubernetes clusters and protect it at the same time. When sending your password to each node in your cluster, it’s critical to ensure that only authorized entities—users, services, or workloads—are able to access it.

5 steps to respond to a data breach

You’ve just been breached. What do you do next? Depending on personality, preparation, and ability under crisis, there are a variety of responses to choose from, some effective and some not. Hopefully, you’re the rare breed who plans in advance how to respond. Even better if this planning includes how to prevent them. But to execute a logical, effective response, keep reading.

Snyk chats with Shutterstock about building a DevSecOps culture

While it’s relatively easy to buy modern security tools, the culture of a company can have an enormous impact on the successful rollout of new security processes. In fact, one of the greatest hurdles for implementing a DevSecOps approach to application security is company-wide adoption.

Securing Your PostgreSQL Database

Databases are the Holy Grail for hackers, and as such, must be protected with utmost care. This is the first in a series of articles in which we’ll give an overview of best practices for securing your databases. We’re starting with one of the most popular open-source databases, PostgreSQL, and will go over several levels of security you’d need to think about.

Endpoint Security: Helping to realize the benefits of SASE

Endpoint security is at the forefront of digital transformation due to the very nature of needing to protect devices outside the company’s network perimeter. This started with traditional devices such as laptops and desktops. Endpoint security then quickly expanded to include mobile security, for smartphones and tablets. And, as more data moved to the cloud endpoint security came to include servers and containers, both inside and outside of the network perimeter.

WhiteSource on WhiteSource

We here at WhiteSource often get asked if we use our own software when we’re developing our product. It’s a fair question. Like most of our customers, we write a lot of code. A lot of code. And we want it to be secure. Really secure. So it should come as no surprise that the answer to this question is a resounding and absolute yes! At WhiteSource, we believe in practicing what we preach.