Just days after Russia launched its invasion against the people of Ukraine, news reports emerged of several cyberattacks. Deployed systematically ahead of the land invasion, Russian cyberattacks against Ukraine have rendered Ukrainian banks, government departments and other core services unavailable through the use of sophisticated ‘data wipers
Gartner® recently predicted that “By 2025, 80% of enterprises will have adopted a strategy to unify web, cloud services and private application access from a single vendor’s security service edge (SSE) platform."* If you don't know what SSE is, you should read my colleague Sundaram Lakshaman’s breakdown of SSE and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). The gist of it is that SSE is the convergence of security technologies inside the SASE framework.
Over the years, we’ve heard of many creative ways friends and families use shared vaults to manage their private information. While “Families” is in the name, 1Password supports every kind of family – whether you live together or separately, and whether you’re blood relatives, friends, or roommates. We want to make sharing personal data easy and secure for you and those you care about.
When it comes to maintaining your car’s performance, getting regular wheel alignments can prevent uneven braking, reduced fuel efficiency, and accelerated tire wear. For all four tires to work together, traveling in the same direction, proper alignment is vital. So, too, it is for the modern SOC. Or at least it should be.
The most beautiful and inspiring aspect about open source code is, well, that it’s open source. We can look at open source packages like gifts that are exchanged between developers across the engineering world, allowing them to learn from the work other people do, contribute their own expertise, and grow their professional capabilities. Contributing to open source is much appreciated, and it is important to remember not only to benefit from these projects, but also to contribute back.
Kubernetes is a valuable resource and a leading container management system in development pipelines across the world, but it’s not exempt from malicious attacks. Using Kubernetes requires a deep understanding of Kubernetes’ environment—including the different vulnerabilities you can be exposed to while creating, deploying, or running applications in your clusters.
TL/DR: Gender inequality and the lack of women is ubiquitous in tech companies – more so in cybersecurity. While it has been a debate that’s been on for years, more action needs to take place to empower female professionals and founders in the sector. In honor of International Women’s Day, a handful of women at Detectify shared more about what inspires them and how they encourage other women to take up space despite the challenges and thrive in the security industry every day.