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The Confluence RCE vulnerability (CVE-2022-26134): Overview, detection, and remediation

On May 31, 2022, a critical vulnerability in Atlassian Confluence Server and Confluence Data Center was disclosed by Volexity. While conducting an incident response investigation involving internet-facing servers with the Confluence server installed, Volexity determined that the servers were compromised and attackers were launching successful remote code execution (RCE) exploits.

NERC CIP Audits: Top 8 Dos and Don'ts

My time at NERC had me involved with quite a few projects over my seven-year career there. I was involved with CIP compliance audits, investigations, auditor training, and many advisory sessions. Typically, I was advising entities across North America on different tactics, techniques, and insight from best practices I have seen. I wanted to share a few of the dos and don’ts during my experience out in the field.

Introducing Reporting: Demonstrate your ROI

We know for customers creating automation Stories in Tines, anything that makes tracking your progress more manageable and helps you demonstrate the platform's value makes a big difference. We're excited to announce that Reporting is now live across Tines. This new feature allows our customers and Community Edition users quickly and easily calculate how much time they're saving by automating their repetitive workflows through the platform.

The Developer's Guide to Serverless Security

Serverless computing brings a highly efficient way to deploy applications and run software on demand. Testament to that is the fact that serverless application adoption is increasing significantly over the years, with at least 1 in 5 organizations using FaaS (Function as a Service) in major Cloud providers such as Amazon, Azure & GCP.

Recent Developments in Data Security Laws in Africa

The pandemic has caused havoc on business and personal lives. It also highlighted the importance of personal data and its vulnerability. To combat this, governments across the globe have reviewed and modulated their privacy laws and regulations. Including the African governments and legislators. Over the recent years, Internet usage has increased significantly on the African continent. The usage was aided by continued investment in local digital infrastructure and improved user access.

Graylog Security - The Affordable SIEM Alternative

Cyber resiliency is the new norm in cybersecurity. Nothing can be 100% secure, and you’re looking for a cost-effective solution to enhance your security posture. At the same time, the rapidly expanding cybersecurity technology market makes it hard to find something that best fits your needs. Most people looking at Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platforms want a tool that gives them high fidelity alerts to prevent their security analysts from drowning in false positives.

Is my business email HIPAA compliant?

According to a report published by the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), losses resulting from attacks against business emails are 64 times more damaging than ransomware when measured by dollar amount losses. Phishing and email data breaches can be particularly damaging in the health sector. Regulatory authorities and oversight bodies are incredibly stringent when enforcing compliance measures designed to protect sensitive medical and patient data.

How are FS IT leaders responding to phishing threats?

2021 was a banner year for phishing attacks. According to our latest report, Fighting Phishing: The IT Leader's View, more than eight in ten organizations, or 84%, were hit by them last year. That's up from the 73% revealed in our previous report. Given stats like these, it's no wonder cyber threats now top the list of concerns reported to the Allianz Risk Barometer by business risk experts.

What's new in Calico Enterprise 3.14: WAF, Calico CNI on AKS, and support for RKE2

At Tigera, we strive to innovate at every opportunity thrown at us and deliver what you need! We have listened to what users ask and today we are excited to announce the early preview of Calico Enterprise 3.14. From new capabilities to product supportability and extending partnerships with our trusted partners, let’s take a look at some of the new features in this release.