LockBit Ransomware Gang Introduces the First Ransomware Bug Bounty Program in the Dark Web
Read also: RansomHouse extortion gang allegedly stole 450GB of data from AMD, one of Iran’s major steel companies was hit by a cyberattack, and more.
Read also: RansomHouse extortion gang allegedly stole 450GB of data from AMD, one of Iran’s major steel companies was hit by a cyberattack, and more.
Trust is a very broad and complex topic, and consequently there are very many definitions of Zero Trust that can be confusing as they try to capture the nuance and details and scope that the problem of trust raises.
Detectify has been recognized as a Momentum Leader in Website Security, a category for tools designed to protect business websites from internet-based threats. This recognition is awarded after factoring in social, web, employee, and review data that G2 has deemed influential in Detectify’s momentum. Besides ranking #1 on the Website Security podium, Detectify is also holding the first position in Alerting.
The attack surface is inevitably going to grow. That’s why we believe it’s crucial for customers to not only know what assets they are exposing online, but knowing to what extent assets are exposed on their attack surface. Previously, it wasn’t possible to filter the attack surface view by state (you can read more about state here). This limitation made it difficult to assess some Internet-facing assets, such as those that were resolving DNS records with no reachable IPs.
As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more and more prevalent in society, it is also making its way into the world of cyber security. AI can be used in a number of ways to help improve cyber security, including by automatically detecting and responding to threats, improving network efficiency, and helping to identify vulnerabilities. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the ways that AI is changing cyber security and how it can help your business stay safe online.
In cybersecurity, there has been a shift to adopt more software development principles in order to create security solutions quickly and reliably. Utilization of tools like Git and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CICD) pipelines have become more common to achieve reliable deployments. At Tines, while we strive to make automation accessible to anyone without development skills, our platform is also highly flexible to accommodate developer-centric uses.
Evidence is the currency cyber defenders use to pay down security debt, balancing the value equation between adversaries and the enterprise. Defenders can use evidence proactively, identifying and protecting structural risks within our zone of control. Evidence can also be used reactively by supporting detection (re)engineering, response, and recovery activities, guiding us back to identifying and protecting structural risks.
As the leading customer relationship management platform, Salesforce is an excellent target for hackers looking to make a buck and steal sensitive data from all types of businesses. Recognizing this, Salesforce issued a requirement that takes effect on February 1, 2022, mandating all customers use MFA to access Salesforce products.
Black Basta is a relatively new family of ransomware, first discovered in April 2022. Although only active for the past couple of months, the Black Basta ransomware is thought to have already hit almost 50 organisations – first exfiltrating data from targeted companies, and then encrypting files on the firm’s computer systems. Victims have reportedly been hit in countries around the world including the United States, UK, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and UAE.