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Operation Grandma: A Tale of LLM Chatbot Vulnerability

Who doesn’t like a good bedtime story from Grandma? In today’s landscape, more and more organizations are turning to intelligent chatbots or large language models (LLMs) to boost service quality and client support. This shift is receiving a lot of positive attention, offering a welcome change given the common frustrations with bureaucratic delays and the lackluster performance of traditional automated chatbot systems.

Wireshark: Ethereal Network Analysis for the Cloud SOC

Remember Wireshark from the good old days of your IT degree or early engineering adventures? Well, guess what? It’s still kicking and just as relevant today as it was back then, and guess what else? It is still open source! Do your engineering or security teams use it? There’s a good chance they do if you’re on-premises. Believe it or not, Wireshark isn’t just for the land of wires and cables anymore. With some help from Falco and Kubernetes, it has a place in the cloud SOC.

Delivering a Modern Approach to SaaS Security with Netskope One

There are more SaaS applications in use by businesses than ever before—and the adoption rate is only going to continue to increase. According to Netskope’s annual Cloud & Threat Report, SaaS adoption continued to rise in enterprise environments throughout 2023, with users constantly accessing new, mostly unmanaged, apps and increasing their use of existing apps.

What Udemy is building with AI in Tines

For the security team at Udemy, AI in workflow automation provides an opportunity to unlock new time savings while keeping their organization secure, and protecting their online learning and teaching marketplace of 62 million users. But like all good security teams, they don’t want to sacrifice data security or privacy. AI in Tines, which is secure and private by design, provides that all-important layer of control - data never leaves the region, travels online, is logged, or is used for training.

CyRC Vulnerability Advisory: CVE-2024-5184s prompt injection in EmailGPT service

The Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC) has exposed prompt injection vulnerabilities in the EmailGPT service. EmailGPT is an API service and Google Chrome extension that assists users in writing emails inside Gmail using OpenAI's GPT models. The service uses an API service that allows a malicious user to inject a direct prompt and take over the service logic. Attackers can exploit the issue by forcing the AI service to leak the standard hard-coded system prompts and/or execute unwanted prompts.

10 Tips for Implementing Contract Analytics in Your Organization

Contract analytics is a powerful tool for organizations to gain insights from their contracts, reduce risks, and improve operational efficiency. Implementing contract analytics may present challenges, but by following these 10 tips, you can position your organization for success.

How Technology Revolutionizes Medical Document Translation

Are you also a medical worker struggling with traditional documentation? Technology augments and advances are making medical document translation increasingly significant and influential, helping healthcare workers, patients, and researchers to communicate across languages.