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Protiviti and BlueVoyant Forge Strategic Partnership to Reinforce Cybersecurity Service Offerings Powered by the Microsoft Security Platform

We're excited to announce that Protiviti, a global leader in consulting services and recognized authority in Microsoft compliance and identity, has formed a strategic partnership with BlueVoyant, an industry-leading MXDR Sentinel services provider, that additionally offers an AI-driven cyber defense platform.

Post iOS Jailbreak Customization: Exploring iOS Tweaks & Private APIs

If you have ever jailbroken an iOS device, you have likely encountered many things that we will discuss today. Let's start with one of the most commonly used terms that gets thrown around: iOS tweaks. There are plenty of them out there, depending on the needs - whether for fun or profit, simple or complex - ranging from making your lock screen look fancy to running your banking app on a jailbroken device.

New Linux Variant of Play Ransomware Targeting VMware ESXi Systems

In a recent development, cybersecurity researchers have identified a new Linux variant of the notorious Play ransomware, also known as Balloonfly and PlayCrypt. This variant specifically targets VMware ESXi environments, signaling a strategic expansion by the threat actors behind it. Trend Micro's report published on Friday highlights the potential for a broader victim pool and more effective ransom negotiations as a result of this evolution.

5 privileged access management best practices to thrive in the hybrid and multi-cloud era

The world is becoming more cloud-native every day. Infrastructure spending is estimated to rise by 19.3 percent in 2024, partly driven by ‘new and existing mission-critical workloads.’ Investment and innovation is going hand-in-hand, as new and established businesses race to modernize architecture and provision applications. At the same time, many are demanding hyperscale and high-performance cloud providers to run AI and machine learning services.

The impact of quantum computing on PAM: Preparing for the future

Quantum computing is poised to revolutionize the world. From simulating atoms and molecules to mapping and modeling in medicine, the potential use cases are vast and still unfolding. It may seem far on the horizon, but for those in cybersecurity, especially privileged access management, now is the time to start planning.

Device Trust for the Web: The Hard Parts

At Teleport we solve a wide range of problems: letting our customers access their infrastructure remotely without passwords or shared secrets, replacing shared credentials in CI/CD workloads with mTLS, and eliminating the need for VPNs to enable Just-In-Time Access to web apps, cloud consoles, databases, and more. Device trust was the last missing piece in replacing VPNs, as they offer a powerful feature letting customers pin access to specific networks.

The Divine SASE Touch

The Paris Olympics are coming up, arousing excitement and anticipation around the globe. As the world’s greatest athletes prepare to compete on this renowned stage, let’s shift our focus to a few of the earliest Olympics competitors – the Greek Gods. These deities, myth says, competed in the ancient Olympics, and later on, the Games were held in their honor. To this day, the Olympics are a global festival of what the Gods symbolized – strength, resilience and elegance.

Embracing the AI-Integrated Software Revolution

The shift to AI-integrated software development isn’t just a trend; it's a fundamental change that’s reshaping industries and redefining the future of technology. This shift brings both revolutionary potential and formidable cyber challenges. Cyber challenges that King Charles III even addressed in the proposals of his King’s Speech on July 17. As we plunge into the AI era, we must understand how these changes are unfolding and what they signify for technological advancement.

MitM Attacks: Understanding the Risks and Prevention Strategies

As our interactions with the digital world grow, connections will be established within seconds, leading to more online attacks. One type of attack we may be exposed to is known as a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) — a technique cyber attackers use to take over our online communications. The best way to stay safe online is with a better understanding of the problems caused by these digital attacks and identification of the dangers and consequences they entail.

4 "Low-Priority" Online Threats That Can Inflict Serious Brand Damage

Companies constantly face a multitude of threats online. Understandably, there is no way for them to deal with all of the attacks given their limited resources and the time-consuming nature of continuous threat detection and prevention. As such, some threats are prioritized over others, depending on their urgency. This leads to threats being classified as “low-priority”, especially when it comes to brand protection.