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Observability Meets Security: Tracing that Connection

As outlined in a previous post, OpenTelemetry and Splunk Observability Cloud can provide great visibility when security teams investigate activity in modern environments. In this post, we look at another aspect of this visibility: how you can use traces to see directly into the workings of an application to find a potential threat. Let’s imagine we’re the security analyst, and a message comes across from the Security Operations Center (SOC).

Highlights from Q2 2024 Cato CTRL SASE Threat Report

At RSA Conference 2024, Cato Networks introduced Cato CTRL (Cyber Threats Research Lab), which is our cyber threat intelligence (CTI) team. Cato CTRL protects organizations by collecting, analyzing and reporting on external and internal threats, utilizing the data lake underlying the Cato SASE Cloud Platform. For 2024, Cato CTRL is publishing quarterly threat reports that provide an overview of the threat landscape.

The State of Phishing-Resistant MFA

In our increasingly interconnected world, the specter of cybercrime looms larger than ever, casting a shadow over people, businesses, and governments alike. Among the slew of cyber threats bombarding entities daily, phishing attacks are a particularly pernicious menace. With each day, bad actors hone their techniques, leveraging the latest tools and psychological tactics to craft sophisticated phishing campaigns that are clever enough to defy all but the closest scrutiny.

Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Devices: Step-by-Step Tips for Online Safety

Whether you've experienced a security breach, are setting up new devices, or simply enhancing your current security practices, this guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to help you get back online securely. We've got you covered, from setting up your phone and laptop to tweaking essential security settings and securing your apps.

Enhancing Cybersecurity Collaboration: ThreatQ Data Exchange and Native TAXII

In today’s rapidly changing cybersecurity environment, organizations must share threat intelligence efficiently and effectively to stay ahead of potential threats. Recognizing the critical need for seamless collaboration, ThreatQ provides native support as a TAXII Server within its ThreatQ Data Exchange. This feature allows Authorized TAXII Clients to access and benefit from shared threat intelligence, enabling the creation of larger, more robust cybersecurity communities.

Four easy ways to analyze your Java and Kotlin code

Nowadays, the security of your applications is just as important as the functionality they provide. Therefore, analyzing your code for security vulnerabilities is a vital part of maintaining the integrity of your applications and protecting your users' data. As developers, we are at the front lines of this battle. It's our responsibility to ensure that the code we write is not just functional and efficient but also secure.

Zero Trust: The Paradox Helping CISOs Enable Their Business

As we reflect on the first half of 2024, it seems to me that two defining features so far have been a litany of significant cyber attacks on companies across every sector, and widespread adoption of AI tools as businesses seek to innovate. At the heart of this storm of cyber threats is the CISO, looking to guide their business safely through potential dangers. Last month, Netskope undertook research examining how CISOs view their role and asking how they’re approaching these challenges.

What Is Digital Forensics? The Weapon Against Cybercrime

In 2016, a house in Middle, Ohio, went up in flames. The owner of the home, Ross Compton, claimed he was asleep when the fire broke out, waking just in time to hastily pack a suitcase, smash his bedroom window, and make an escape. However, the very technology keeping Compton alive unraveled his alibi and led to his arrest. Compton had a pacemaker, and the police, suspicious of his account, secured a warrant to access its data.

Gartner Insights: Navigating the Evolving API Protection Market and Taking Action

Securing your API ecosystem is increasingly complex, leaving organizations unsure where to begin. Gartner's 2024 Market Guide for API Protection offers clear guidance: Understanding your API attack surface and prioritizing your security efforts is crucial. Once you have visibility into your API landscape, you can implement appropriate security measures to protect your APIs from abuse and access violations.