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The Language of Risk: Bridging the Disconnect between the C-Suite and Cyber Security Experts

With data breaches regularly marking the headlines, it is no surprise that digital threats constitute an increasingly significant concern for the C-Suite and cyber security experts. What is surprising, however, is that these two groups don’t seem to share the same view of information security. They have different opinions when it comes to the digital threat landscape in general as well as their organization’s level of preparedness in particular.

Protecting Your Company Website as an ERM Strategy

Your corporate website is more than just a business card since it is the most significant asset your organization holds for providing vital information to customers. A security breach on your company's website from hackers can be devastating to your organization's reputation amongst your clients. Exposing customer data to attackers impedes all efforts made to build a strong brand since customer trust is compromised.

Monitoring Box Security with USM Anywhere

We’re proud to announce a new USM Anywhere App for Box! We use the Box Events API to track and detect detailed activity on Box. This new addition to the set of USM Apps arrives to provide an extra security layer to cloud storage services that many enterprises are outsourcing to Box. Beyond monitoring and data collection, USM offers early detection of critical events and alerting, thanks to event correlation and business intelligence.

Weekly Cyber Security News 24/05/2019

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. An article that prompts many questions regarding use of PII in a passive way, misses one obvious question: Why was Wi-Fi enabled on 5.9 million devices while in transit? When you next get a moment, just check what, and why you need Wi-Fi and other communications features enabled all the time.

Developing an Effective Change Management Program

Detection of change is easy… There, I said it. Anyone can do it. One thousand monkeys with keyboards can pound out scripts to detect change. What is not so easy, what the monkeys can’t do, is reconcile change. Even worse, it’s usually the monkeys who make the changes that bring everything crashing down around your knees. It’s the reconciliation of change that most organizations have the most trouble with. What was the change? When was it made? Who made it? Was it authorized?

5 Advantages of Deploying a Data Governance Solution

The explosion of unstructured content is undeniable, and this growth is being fueled by businesses. The files that keep the wheels of business turning — documents, spreadsheets, images, PDFs — double in volume every 1-2 years. As unstructured content becomes more integral to business gets done, its value grows too. As it goes with anything of value, it becomes highly coveted, even to the point that others try to steal it. So what is a business to do?