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XDR: What Next-Gen SIEM Would Have Been

It’s easy to get lost in product categories in security these days. And XDR (eXtended Detection and Response) is a new addition to the landscape, which makes people wonder – what exactly is that? We’ve previously held that XDR and SIEM are effectively the same thing, although many vendors and Gartner analysts would probably disagree.

Cloud Computing Security: A Primer

Gartner forecasts that worldwide public cloud end-user spending will grow 23% to USD 332.3 billion in 2021 as cloud technologies become mainstream. As cloud computing architectures continue to become more prevalent, “cloud native” has become a popular buzzword. But what exactly does “cloud native” mean and what impact does it have on security? How exactly do you secure all these cloud native applications?

Weekly Cyber Security News 24/06/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Who would be silly enough to try and connect to a weird looking Wi-fi hot spot? Well, try to resist because if you have an iPhone you will break it and TL;DR; you will need to do a factory reset to fix it…

5 Top Tips for Cloud Security from Enterprise CISOs

The Financial Times hosted an excellent event recently, at which I joined Naina Bhattacharya, CISO for Danone; Manish Chandela, Group CISO for Unipart and Florence Mottay, Global CISO for Ahold Delhaize, to discuss cloud security. The FT’s Dan Thomas moderated and the panellists all shared some excellent and candid insights into cloud threats and security strategies within their organisations.

Cloud Threats Memo: Beware of Leaky Buckets and Cloud Apps

Another memo, another leaky cloud app compromising the personal information of hundreds of thousands of individuals (and yes, you can easily guess the app that exposed the data so no spoiler alert needed—it was an S3 bucket). The latest organization to join the long list of victims of cloud misconfigurations is Cosmolog Kozmetik, a popular Turkish online retailer that exposed more than 9,500 files, totaling nearly 20 GB of data.

Teleport has been named a Cool Vendor in Gartner's Identity-First Security report

Today we are happy to announce that Teleport has been included as a Cool Vendor in Gartner Cool Vendors in Identity-First Security report. “We believe Teleport’s inclusion in the Identity-First Security Report by Gartner is confirmation that Teleport solves a huge problem of accessing cloud-native resources that traditional PAM tools did not,” said Ev Kontsevoy, co-founder and CEO of Teleport.

Lookout and NTT DOCOMO Partner to Deliver Security from Device to Identity

Tablets and mobile devices have become an essential part of our daily lives, especially as 5G expands and remote work continues. This means these devices hold some of the most sensitive information that is tied to our digital identity. Today, I’m excited to share that we have expanded our consumer partnership with NTT DOCOMO to include identity monitoring and protection for DOCOMO’s subscribers across Android and iOS devices.

Practical CPU time performance tuning for security software: Part 1

Software performance issues come in all shapes and sizes. Therefore, performance tuning includes many aspects and subareas, and has to adopt a broad range of methodologies and techniques. Despite all this, time is one of the most critical measurements of software performance. In this multi-part series, I’ll focus on a few of the time-related aspects of software performance — particularly for security software.

Security at speed: Justifying your security program transformation using key development motivators

Security investments require executive buy-in. Learn what key development motivators can help justify your security program updates. As development speeds increase exponentially, organizations often struggle to introduce or maintain security practices capable of keeping pace. Additionally, security teams can find it difficult to get the top-down buy-in and support they need for a security overhaul.