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LimaCharlie & Velociraptor Enable the Automation of Deep Forensic Capability

Digital forensics is about answering questions and building timelines. Who did what and when. When something malicious takes place on a computer there is evidence that can be collected and used to reconstruct what exactly happened. Depending on the type of events that need to be reconstructed, the evidence required may be difficult to retrieve. In order to make the lives of DFIR professionals easier, LimaCharlie has integrated the Velociraptor open source endpoint visibility tool.

Nuvias UC Fuels Its Growth In Europe Through Alliance Technologies GmbH Acquisition

As part of its exciting and fast-paced growth, driven by increased demand from its customer base to provide best of breed solutions across Europe, Nuvias UC announces the acquisition of Alliance Technologies GmbH, a UC specialised, value added distributor founded in 2001.

Multi-Factor is incomplete without backup codes

I was logging into one of my favorite online shopping sites the other day, and, as with all my other sites, I was presented with the multi-factor authentication prompt to complete the login process. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have been a long-time supporter of multi-factor, or 2-step verification of any kind.

URL confusion vulnerabilities in the wild: Exploring parser inconsistencies

URLs have forever changed the way we interact with computers. Conceptualized in 1992 and defined in 1994, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) continues to be a critical component of the internet, allowing people to navigate the web via descriptive, human-understandable addresses. But with the need for human readability came the need for breaking them into machine-usable components; this is handled with URL parsers.

What is a Distributed Cloud Architecture? Top 4 Security Considerations

By 2025, there will be more than 100 zettabytes of data stored in the cloud – that’s a lot of data! With more applications needing to process a significant amount of data in real-time, there is a shift in demand for distributed cloud and edge computing. Fortunately, the distributed cloud brings many impressive benefits to organizations – generating immense cost savings, greater scalability, and reaching resource-intensive business demands.

What SecOps Teams Can Expect in 2022

Traditionally, most organizations have had siloed departments wherein teams’ activities are highly separated and the objectives within organizational structures are divided. This operational methodology has brought about friction – especially within the IT department, where developers and ITOps lack collaboration.

Where is Low-Code Going in 2022? 8 Hot Trends and Predictions (Part 1)

What’s the trick to staying competitive in 2022? The ability to quickly adjust your business models and processes. You need only rewind to 2020 to see why. A worldwide pandemic. The need to create new business models, innovate new business processes, establish new means of interacting with customers… with little warning and small budgets. And all this just to stay afloat. For many of the businesses that succeeded, low-code development solutions were part of their success.

Understanding Monetary Authority of Singapore's (MAS) Guidance: Safeguarding Your Financial Institution's Cloud Environment

As a major financial hub in Asia and globally, Singapore is very aware of the challenges facing the financial industry, especially the accelerated digital transformation that stemmed from the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the sector’s increased exposure to cloud technology, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has released a guideline to address cybersecurity risks associated with the adoption of public clouds.