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How to Fulfill Multiple Compliance Objectives Using the CIS Controls

Earlier this year, I wrote about what’s new in Version 8 of the Center for Internet Security’s Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls). An international consortium of security professionals first created the CIS Controls back in 2008. Since then, the security community has continued to update the CIS Controls to keep pace with the evolution of technology ecosystems and emerging threat vectors—all the way to Version 8 and the 18 Controls contained therein.

Designing a 100-Day Sprint for OT Cybersecurity: What to Consider

As we begin a new year, many organizations will enter a “goal-setting and strategic planning” season. During this time, individuals are re-energized and motivated to record new accomplishments for their professional development. Traditional corporate goal setting aligns with fiscal calendars and forces companies and individuals to build goals in chunks of 365 days. But why set your deadline based on the Earth’s orbital period?

What Is Enterprise Information Security Architecture?

Spending on security and risk management is soaring worldwide. But exactly which improvements should you focus on next to best strengthen your cybersecurity program? For many organizations, building a solid information security architecture should be at the top of the list. Read on to learn how what information security architecture is and how it can help you protect your critical IT assets from security threats with less work and worry.

Distributed Tracing with Datadog

Here at Nightfall we ensure that we are always using the most appropriate technology and tools while building services. Our architecture involves serverless functions, relational and NoSQL databases, Redis caches, Kafka and microservices written in Golang and deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. To effectively monitor and easily troubleshoot our services, we use distributed tracing across our services.

How to access 70% of Wi-Fi networks in a residential neighborhood

Israeli cybersecurity researcher and analyst Ido Hoorvitch has published the results of an experiment he conducted on residential Wi-Fi networks and the findings were surprising: he was able to crack about 70% of the hashes from residential Wi-Fi networks in one Tel Aviv neighborhood.

Combatting Insider Threats in Remote Learning Environments

Remote learning is now an inevitable reality for academic institutions. Even before the pandemic, remote learning was on the rise. The pandemic has only made that trend more pervasive and dominant across institutions, most notably among the public schools. The Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), a federally funded threat intelligence and cybersecurity advisory organization, recorded a 19% increase in cyberattacks targeting K-12 schools in the 2019-2020 school year.

Five Cryptography best practices for developers

Learn about the five cryptography best practices every developer should follow to secure their applications. Cryptography is a huge subject with dedicated experts, but that doesn’t mean developers can leave it entirely to their security teams. Building security into DevOps means you need to understand how to deliver secure, high-quality code at velocity. Having some basic cryptography under your belt will help.

The Ultimate Guide to Client-Side Security: Executive Overview

​​In a world in which commerce, business, and information are driven almost exclusively by the internet, protecting both consumers and data is critical. Over the past few months I’ve spent a significant amount of time researching front-end and client-side security to understand the pitfalls of the JavaScript programming language and how businesses can protect themselves from JavaScript-based cyber attacks.

Have You Forgotten About Application-Level Security?

Security is one of the most changeable landscapes in technology at the moment. With innovations, come new threats, and it seems like every week brings news of a major organization succumbing to a cyber attack. We’re seeing innovations like AI-driven threat detection and zero-trust networking continuing to be a huge area of investment. However, security should never be treated as a single plane.