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A Simple Data Breach Guide (Interpreting GDPR)

Perhaps it’s too melodramatic to claim that the debate over how to define a data breach “rages on” because we haven’t seen bodies flying out of windows yet, but it is a serious question with genuine financial ramifications now that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its accompanying fines for mishandling data have arrived to save (and sometimes confuse) the day.

Tigera Secure Enterprise Edition 2.4 Enables Firewalls to Secure Dynamic Kubernetes Workloads

We are excited to announce the new security capabilities of Tigera Secure Enterprise Edition 2.4. This release enables enterprise security teams to extend their existing zone-based architectures and easily connect to external resources. The highlights include DNS Policies, Threat Defense, Compliance Dashboard and Reporting, and easier installation options.

3 Reasons Businesses Prefer G Suite for Collaboration

Collaboration is the lifeblood of business. It is how we facilitate information flow between individuals and teams, it has a direct impact on productivity, and at the end of the day, it dictates the success of businesses as a whole. In the modern day business environment we have all become hyper-focused on speed, i.e. how do we get our work done as quickly as possible?

Confidence: the perception and reality of cybersecurity threats

At RSA 2019, we conducted a survey that netted 733 respondents along with interviews between Javvad Malik, former security advocate at AT&T Cybersecurity, and security experts. The full results are in his comprehensive and informative research report. Following are a few highlights.

A Closer Look at Falco CVE-2019-8339

Recently, a member of the Falco community privately disclosed a capacity related vulnerability which, under circumstances where a malicious actor has already gained access to your system, could allow the actor to further bypass Falco’s detection of abnormal activity. The final details are still being worked out, but we believe the CVE will be classified as Medium severity according to the CVSS methodology.

Falco 0.15.0 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Falco 0.15.0. This release incorporates a number of improvements, as well as bug fixes, and rules updates. This release also includes a mitigation for CVE-2019-8339, and all users are encouraged to update to this release. You can find more details about the features and improvements in the release notes, but below are a few highlights.

6 Common Compliance Conundrums to Know About

Cyber security assessment initiatives and frameworks abound in the US government, the most important being the Federal Information Systems Management Act (FISMA), passed in 2002. The law’s broad scope included a mandate to the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), charging it to create methods and standards to assess and optimize the cybersecurity posture of US government agencies.

Sharepoint vulnerability exploited in the wild

AT&T Alien Labs has seen a number of reports of active exploitation of a vulnerability in Microsoft Sharepoint (CVE-2019-0604). One report by the Saudi Cyber Security Centre appears to be primarily targeted at organisations within the kingdom. An earlier report by the Canadian Cyber Security Centre identified similar deployment of the tiny China Chopper web-shell to gain an initial foothold.