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The importance of behavior analytics in your organization's cybersecurity

Collin’s dictionary defines “behavior pattern” as a recurrent way of acting by an individual or group toward a given object or in a given situation. Analyzing and understanding the behavior patterns of individuals has proven to provide in-depth solutions to problems in different walks of life, including cybersecurity.

Automated Penetration Testing vs. Manual Penetration Testing

Many businesses are running remotely as a result of the latest COVID-19 pandemic. The 'new normal' has expanded the market for digital transformation initiatives and cloud migration strategies. However, according to Verizon's 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, cybercriminals are taking advantage of enterprises' desperate digital transformation initiatives by developing new ways to target and exploit their web applications.

Mitigating and remediating intent-based Android security vulnerabilities

In previous posts we explored the potential for intent-based Android security vulnerabilities and then used Snyk Code to find exploits in popular apps on the Google Play store. If you know Snyk, you also know there’s no way we can just point out vulnerabilities and not recommend fixes. Analyzing such an extensive dataset enabled us to review a lot of code.

Introducing AT&T USM Anywhere Advisors

As environments evolve and cybercriminals become more sophisticated, threat detection and response is becoming increasingly complex. While some organizations are turning to a fully managed detection and response solution, many others with established internal security teams are looking for additional support and expert guidance, while still keeping their program in-house. Our new service, AT&T USM Anywhere Advisors, is the middle-ground solution customers are looking for.

How Analysts can use the OODA Loop to Strengthen their Skillsets

For many years, cybersecurity professionals have talked about the OODA loop. Devised by Colonel John Boyd, it describes a decision-making cycle that fighter pilots apply in dog fights, and when mastered, allows them to outwit adversaries. The acronym stands for Observe, Orient, Decide and Act, and if you can go through this decision cycle faster than your adversary, you can defeat them.

Lookout and Jamf: Defending Against Mobile Threats

I’m pleased to share that Jamf and Lookout have formed a partnership to integrate Jamf Pro with Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security. Jamf provides mobile device management for Apple devices and specializes in serving IT professionals, schools and small businesses. Together, Lookout and Jamf enable your organization to deploy and provision iOS devices while protecting them against mobile threats such as phishing and network attacks.

Overcoming Compliance Issues in Cloud Computing

The benefits of organizations moving some or all their IT workloads to the cloud are well-known and numerous. There are several challenges to successful cloud adoption, though, and one of the most important of them is compliance. Whether your cloud use case is low-cost data storage, scaling your infrastructure for critical business apps or disaster recovery, this article helps inform you about and overcome compliance issues in cloud computing.

The Anatomy of Mega-breaches: An Analysis of the Top 100 Data Breaches of the Past 15+ Years

In today’s world, data breaches are a fact of life for both consumers and companies. It’s become somewhat of a truism to point out that for many companies breaches are a matter of if not when as defenders are at a significant disadvantage.

Addressing 5G security with threat modeling

5G introduces security concerns but threat modeling can help you make better informed decisions about your application security risks. 5G is fundamentally different from 4G, LTE, or any other network the telecommunications industry has ever seen before. It promises data rates 100 times faster than 4G, network latency of under 1 millisecond, support for 1 million devices/sq. km., and 99.999% availability of the network.