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Calico integration with WireGuard using kOps

It has been a while since I have been excited to write about encrypted tunnels. It might be the sheer pain of troubleshooting old technologies, or countless hours of falling down the rabbit hole of a project’s source code, that always motivated me to pursue a better alternative (without much luck). However, I believe luck is finally on my side.

Deterring ransomware for state and local government

According to FBI Director, Christopher Wray, when it comes to ransomware disruption and prevention, “...there’s a shared responsibility, not just across government agencies but across the private sector and even the average American.” At Elastic, we’re here to help state and local governments. Ransomware attacks cost the U.S. government more than $18.9 billion in 2020 alone.

Can you spot the bots hiding in rotating residential proxies?

On the countdown to a new release, every second counts to snap up those limited-edition new kicks or sought-after concert tickets. Online attackers know that when deploying bots to gain a competitive advantage, without masking their activity it’s a matter of time before their activity is blocked by the target eCommerce platform. Industries are becoming more and more alert to bots and their ever-increasing sophistication.

Do Banks Need to be PCI Compliant

Financial institutions are one of the most heavily regulated industries around, and for good reason. Access to the personal information and funds of their customers makes banks a popular target with hackers, and a dangerous location for a cybersecurity breach. With all of the regulations a bank needs to obey, it’s possible you may have overlooked the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, or PCI DSS.

What is a Risk Assessment?

A risk assessment is a multi-step process that catalogs all the potential threats to your business. In the same way a person might check the air pressure in a car’s tires or that the office elevator was recently serviced, CISOs should conduct regular risk assessments. Consider it a part of your standard safety management routines.

Bolster OT Security with Graylog

Anyone tracking the evolution of the IT industry is probably familiar with the concept of Industry 4.0. Essentially, it describes the process by which traditional industrial tasks become both digitized and continually managed in an IT-like fashion via modern technologies like cloud computing, digital twins, Internet of Things (IoT) sensorization, and artificial intelligence/machine learning.

What is IoT Security? 6 Ways to Protect Your Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing concern for today’s digitally-focused businesses. Every connected device you own can add another security concern to your list. If it collects and stores personal information and data, you’ve just added another attractive target for criminals to access your network. In fact, 57% of IoT devices are vulnerable to medium or high-severity attacks.

Quantum threat to cryptography and how to overcome this

We are familiar with quantum computing; know that it enables devices to do computations at an utterly inconceivable rate. It facilitates incredible advancements in technology. Ironically, quantum systems can make modern impenetrable cryptography hackable within seconds. Currently, quantum computers pose a high threat to the cryptography that underlies the safety of crucial networks.

Appknox Webinar: Building Org-Wide Software Security Practices

Continuing on our exciting and informative webinar series, last week Appknox hosted a webinar on 'Building Org-Wide Software Security Practices'. Organized in association with Xoxoday, the leading technology platform helping businesses manage incentives, rewards, incentives and loyalty programs, I had an amazing discussion regarding various aspects of security when it comes to org-wide business initiatives and so much more with Mr Srivatsan Mohan (VP, Xoxoday).