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Web Scraping for SEO: Don't Waste Money on Expensive Tools

Of course, everyone wants to dominate the SERPs. It’s a no-brainer! Want to know one of my favorite ways to achieve better rankings? Yup, web scraping! Web scraping is particularly useful for SEO; not only is it very cheap, but it allows you to access hyper-specific data that sometimes is not even visible through SEMRush’s or Ahrefs’ databases. Keep in mind anyone can disallow these two bots (and any bot actually) via their robots.txt.

Improving India's Cyber Defenses: Maharashtra's Cyber Security Project

In an era when digital transformation is reshaping economies and societies, the threat of cybercrime has become a significant concern. India, with its growing digital ecosystem, is particularly vulnerable to a wide range of cyber threats. In response to these challenges, the state of Maharashtra launched an ambitious initiative - the Maharashtra Cyber Security Project.

Top tips: 5 ways to identify fraud calls and prevent financial loss

Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world today and list out ways to explore these trends. This week, we’re showing you how to spot a fraud call and avoid getting scammed. Microsoft, AT&T, the FBI, and the IRS—what do these four entities have in common? Most likely, you or someone you know has received a call from somebody impersonating these entities.

2024 Cyber Resilience Research Unveils Healthcare Sector Challenges

New data illuminates how healthcare leaders can prioritize resilience. Organizations find themselves at the intersection of progress and peril in the rapidly evolving digital healthcare landscape. The latest data underscores that the trade-offs are significant and pose substantial risks to healthcare institutions. One of the foremost obstacles is the disconnect between senior executives and cybersecurity priorities.

5 Examples of IP Theft & How To Protect Your Business

The business world continues to move to a knowledge-worker-based economy. Companies derive less and less value from widgets and more from the processes, ideas, and innovations they create — their intellectual property (IP). But IP needs to be protected. IP theft is the appropriation of unique ideas, inventions, or theft of trade secrets, usually by malicious insiders.

Phishing Attacks Against State and Local Governments Are Surging

Researchers at Abnormal Security have observed a 360% increase in phishing attacks against state and local government entities over the past year. The researchers write, “While phishing tends to consistently increase each year and regularly accounts for the majority of advanced threats, this level of growth is extraordinary.” Threat actors often use phishing to gain a foothold within an organization before launching more follow-on attacks.

How Big is Too Big (Of a Password List)? An Analysis of the RockYou2024 Password Leak

For both white-hat and black-hat operators, the infamous “RockYou” lists have been a staple of the cyber-security landscape for well over a decade. They are lists of passwords, compiled and repeatedly expanded upon with data leaked over the years to form, in its most recent iteration, a list of approximately 10 billion plain-text passwords.

What 'Passwordless' Really Means for Privileged Access Management

Privileged access management (PAM) programs aim to secure the highest-risk access in an organization, including using privileged credentials like passwords, SSH keys and application secrets. So, how can PAM and identity security teams prepare for a passwordless future? The answer lies in a deeper examination of what ‘passwordless’ really means and how PAM programs are modernizing to protect new identities and environments.