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Preparing for Cybersecurity Audits: Insights from US Regulations

Cybersecurity regulations often include audits that assess and strengthen an organization’s defenses against increasing cyber threats. In the United States, various cybersecurity regulations, including HIPAA, SOX, PCI DSS, and more, require audits. Each audit ensures your organization meets the required standards outlined in the regulation while also strengthening its overall cybersecurity framework.

Two of Wallarm's Open-source Tools Have Been Accepted into Black Hat Arsenal 2024

We're gearing up with some seriously cool stuff for Black Hat! But first, a little sneak peek - not just one, but TWO of Wallarm's open-source tools will be featured in the Arsenal showcase at Black Hat USA this year. Black Hat Arsenal unites researchers and the open-source community to display their newest open-source tools and products, allowing presenters to engage directly with attendees. Its schedule is now live, so save the date to watch presentations of API Firewall and GoTestWAF.

WazirX Cyberattack: A Major Blow to the Indian Cryptocurrency Market

On Wednesday night, the Indian cryptocurrency platform WazirX experienced a significant cyberattack, resulting in the theft of at least $230 million worth of cryptocurrency. The breach was first detected by several blockchain security companies, including Elliptic, Arkham, and BlockSec. These firms observed large amounts of digital coins being siphoned out of WazirX before the platform acknowledged the security breach.

What are Microsoft Power Apps, and What are their Use Cases?

Microsoft Power Apps is a low-code application development platform that allows businesses to quickly build custom web and mobile apps for their organizations without writing code. Power Apps provides a graphical interface and drag-and-drop tools to design and connect apps to existing business data and systems.

The Importance of Know Your Business (KYB) in the Fintech World

In the dynamic and rapidly evolving fintech industry, regulatory compliance and risk management are crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring sustainability. One critical component of this regulatory framework is the Know Your Business (KYB) process. KYB involves verifying the legitimacy and credentials of business clients and partners, ensuring they are who they claim to be, and assessing their potential risks. In the fintech world, KYB is essential for mitigating fraud, ensuring compliance with regulations, and fostering a trustworthy ecosystem.

The Top 5 Security Logging Best Practices to Follow Now

Security logging is a critical part of modern cybersecurity, providing the foundation for detecting, analyzing, and responding to potential threats. As highlighted by OWASP, security logging and monitoring failures can lead to undetected security breaches. With the average cost of a data breach adding up to $4.45 million, most organizations can’t afford to miss a security incident.

eBPF use cases

What is eBPF and how can it be used within the Kubernetes environment? In the dynamic world of container orchestration, where speed and adaptability are a must, eBPF, short for Extended Berkeley Packet Filter, has changed how developers interact with kernels within Kubernetes environments. At its core, eBPF crosses traditional boundaries, offering a programmable and secure in-kernel execution environment that empowers developers to use custom code without the need for modifications to the kernel itself.