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CVE-2024-7593 & CVE-2024-7569: Critical Vulnerabilities Impacting Ivanti Virtual Traffic Manager and Neurons for ITSM

On August 12, 2024, Ivanti announced a critical authentication bypass vulnerability in its Virtual Traffic Manager (vTM), identified as CVE-2024-7593. Ivanti Virtual Traffic Manager (vTM) is a software-based application delivery controller that manages traffic flow to ensure high performance, availability, and security for web applications.

CIO POV: CrowdStrike Incident Offers 3 Digital Resilience Lessons

On July 19, 2024, organizations around the world began to experience the “blue screen of death” in what would soon be considered one of the largest IT outages in history. Early rumors of a mass cyberattack were quickly squashed: it seemed a minor software update was to blame for countless shopping excursions cut short, airline flights grounded and critical surgeries postponed.

Highlights from Q2 2024 Cato CTRL SASE Threat Report

At RSA Conference 2024, Cato Networks introduced Cato CTRL (Cyber Threats Research Lab), which is our cyber threat intelligence (CTI) team. Cato CTRL protects organizations by collecting, analyzing and reporting on external and internal threats, utilizing the data lake underlying the Cato SASE Cloud Platform. For 2024, Cato CTRL is publishing quarterly threat reports that provide an overview of the threat landscape.

Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Devices: Step-by-Step Tips for Online Safety

Whether you've experienced a security breach, are setting up new devices, or simply enhancing your current security practices, this guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to help you get back online securely. We've got you covered, from setting up your phone and laptop to tweaking essential security settings and securing your apps.

CISOs are concerned about new AI pressures - what can they do about it?

The pressure on security teams has never been greater. With an ever-evolving threat landscape, resource constraints, and now the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are facing unprecedented challenges. This was one of the clear takeaways from our recent report CISO perspectives: separating the reality of AI from the hype, in which 53 CISOs shared their opinions and experiences of AI’s impact on their security operations.

Navigating the New Era of ISO 27001: Insights for IT and Security Leaders

In our border and perimeter free world, connected infrastructure becomes more and more complex. Security tools need to keep up by adjusting to the new application delivery models and adapting to the shifting threat environment. That's why the recent update to the ISO 27001 compliance standard is so pivotal — it introduces new controls around data security, DevOps, and network security to help future-proof our cybersecurity strategies.

Cybersecurity Teams, It's Time to End the Dept. of 'No'

In a never-ending effort to do their job and secure their environments, cybersecurity teams often bear the brunt of negative perceptions, labelled as the department of ‘No.’ “No” to admin privileges, “No” to personal devices, and “No” to connecting unapproved technologies. These repeated denials, although done with the best intentions, can stifle innovation and create frustration within organizations. This perception needs to change.

Enhancing Cybersecurity Collaboration: ThreatQ Data Exchange and Native TAXII

In today’s rapidly changing cybersecurity environment, organizations must share threat intelligence efficiently and effectively to stay ahead of potential threats. Recognizing the critical need for seamless collaboration, ThreatQ provides native support as a TAXII Server within its ThreatQ Data Exchange. This feature allows Authorized TAXII Clients to access and benefit from shared threat intelligence, enabling the creation of larger, more robust cybersecurity communities.

Octiga secures France & French speaking distribution with Watsoft

We’re delighted to announce that Octiga, the multi-tenant Microsoft 365 security platform for MSPs, is now available to MSPs and MSSPs operating in France and French speaking African territories. Bordeaux based Watsoft, a French value-added IT distributor, is now Octiga distributor for these regions.

The State of Phishing-Resistant MFA

In our increasingly interconnected world, the specter of cybercrime looms larger than ever, casting a shadow over people, businesses, and governments alike. Among the slew of cyber threats bombarding entities daily, phishing attacks are a particularly pernicious menace. With each day, bad actors hone their techniques, leveraging the latest tools and psychological tactics to craft sophisticated phishing campaigns that are clever enough to defy all but the closest scrutiny.