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Survey: 78% of Retailers Took Additional Security Precautions Ahead of the 2020 Holidays

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) stopped many things in 2020. While in-store holiday shopping may be greatly reduced for some, there’s still a lot of shopping happening online. Near the end of November 2020, Statista revealed that holiday retail sales were expected to grow approximately 3.6% over the previous year. And Adobe Analytics reported that online sales would likely rise 33% to a record $189 billion.

From a Single Pane of Glass, to Functional Dashboards to Manage Cyber Risk

For the longest time, or as far as I can remember, the holy grail of all networking platforms has been the need for a single pane of glass, that single source of all information that you would need to be most effective. So, what is a single pane of glass?

Fix now: Vulnerabilities targeting the FireEye Breach

On Tuesday 8th December in an unprecedented move leading cybersecurity provider FireEye admitted they had been breached and several of their red team tools and scripts had been stolen. In this blog we look at the list of vulnerabilities in these tools and how to protect your organization.

Better Together: Egnyte's Construction Integrations

Construction, like any industry, relies on software throughout all phases of a project. From inception to completion, a plethora of programs come into play to facilitate each task at hand. The unfortunate part of having so many applications working side by side is that they treat the data the same way – side by side, in their own silos. Very often, data produced by these applications moves and morphs into the next phase – a bid becoming the basis for a contract, for example.

Why Third-Party Risk on Google Drive Should Be a #1 Concern

Sharing Google Workspace files with clients and partners feels like a normal part of doing business – especially as so many companies move to remote work. However, each time you share a file with someone outside of your organization, you increase what’s known as third-party risk. Third-party risk can open your business up to all types of internet security breaches, including IP theft, phishing attacks, malware, and data exfiltration.

Elastic Security provides free and open protections for SUNBURST

On December 13, SolarWinds released a security advisory regarding a successful supply-chain attack on the Orion management platform. The attack affects Orion versions 2019.4 HF 5 through 2020.2.1, software products released between March and June of 2020. Likewise, on December 13, FireEye released information about a global campaign involving SolarWinds supply-chain compromise that affected some versions of Orion software.

Meeting your data security responsibilities with GDPR penetration testing

In this article, we outline how conducting regular GDPR pen tests can help to mitigate the risks of data breaches. Since it came into effect in 2018, the GDPR has helped to improve the way that organisations operating across the EU and UK collect, handle, process and store personal data. The GDPR covers all aspects of data protection, including the requirement for organisations that handle personal data to improve information security and governance.

SUNBURST Backdoor: What to look for in your logs now - Interview with an incident responder

Yesterday, FireEye published a report about a global intrusion campaign that utilized a backdoor planted in SolarWinds Orion. Attackers gained access to the download servers of Orion. They managed to infect signed installers downloaded by Orion users who had all reason to believe that the packages are safe and had not been tampered with. With this information out in the world, teams are scrambling to investigate if their environments are affected by this breach.