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How to Protect Your IoT and OT Devices from Cyberthreats

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Operational Technology (OT) devices is reshaping industries, accelerating innovation and driving new efficiencies. However, as organizations increasingly depend on these devices, the security challenges associated with them are mounting. Traditional security measures often fall short in protecting these critical assets from cyberthreats, leaving organizations vulnerable to potentially severe disruptions.

How to Record and Monitor RDP Sessions with Syteca [Hands-on Guide]

Monitoring remote desktop protocol (RDP) connections to your infrastructure is essential for maintaining a secure IT environment and managing insider risks. Additionally, recording remote user activity on your organization’s servers and other critical endpoints is often a requirement of cybersecurity laws and regulations.

A Secure VPC as the Main Pillar of Cloud Security

In 2019, the Capital One breach led to the exposure of 100 million customers’ personal data due to a misconfigured WAF. The incident ultimately cost Capital One over $270 million in fines and compensation, demonstrating the serious risks inherent in cloud security and highlighting the urgent need for robust security measures. As cloud adoption accelerates, public cloud services spend is expected to jump 20.4% versus 2023, reaching $675.4 billion this year.

Four Ways to Streamline Your Security Review Process

Security reviews of third-party vendors are now an essential element of an effective governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) function. After all, there have been numerous examples in recent years of organizations with an otherwise strong security posture falling victim to threats that originated with supply chain partners. But whether you are on the sending or receiving end of a security review, completing the process can be time-consuming and inefficient.

New Research: 140% Increase in Callback Phishing

Researchers at Trustwave observed a 140% increase in callback phishing attacks between July and September 2024. Callback phishing is a social engineering tactic that involves emails and phone calls to trick users into handing over login credentials or other sensitive data or installing malware. The attacks begin with a phishing email that appears to be a notification for something that needs to be addressed urgently, such as an order invoice or an account termination notice.

Vulnerability-Free C and C++ Development in Automotive Manufacturing and Software Defined Vehicles (SDV)

The automotive industry is at a unique inflection point in its history with the advent of the Software Defined Vehicle (SDV). During the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress held in Detroit April 16th - 18th, 2024, it was explicitly stated there is more than a $500 billion market that will see investment in R&D and technological advancements for the automotive industry.

New IDC InfoBrief + downloadable CISO checklists

Tl;dr: This blog discusses IDC’s 2024 study, “The Future of Access Management: Identity Security Requirements for a Modern Application Access Approach.” The study identifies the biggest challenges facing security leaders today, especially those exacerbated by hybrid work. Below are IDC’s findings as well as downloadable checklists that security practitioners can use to address the security gaps in their organizations.

Introducing Access for Infrastructure: SSH

BastionZero joined Cloudflare in May 2024. We are thrilled to announce Access for Infrastructure as BastionZero’s native integration into our SASE platform, Cloudflare One. Access for Infrastructure will enable organizations to apply Zero Trust controls in front of their servers, databases, network devices, Kubernetes clusters, and more. Today, we’re announcing short-lived SSH access as the first available feature.