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Helping Customers Optimize and Secure Digital Transformation

Rewind a couple of years and enterprises were heavily focused on acquiring new tech to drive forward their digitization plans. Then, when the pandemic struck, organizations were forced to fix any technology gaps in their environment and digitize services to hastily plug these gaps.

How to Use Algorithms to Identify Suspicious Activity in Real-Time

The growth of fraudulent activity poses a significant threat to businesses in today's increasingly digital environment. The techniques fraudsters use are continuously evolving-making it difficult for traditional rule-based systems to stay up, as the estimated corporate revenue lost to fraud stands at $4.7 trillion globally every year. Employing increasingly advanced and dynamic fraud detection techniques have become essential. Machine learning is the most promising technology tool to combat financial fraud.

10 Cybersecurity Tips for Business Travel & Remote Employees

Many modern organizations operate in a distributed model, with branch locations and endpoints deployed outside of a physical office. The concept of the network perimeter has expanded dramatically in recent years. It has been pushed by two significant post-pandemic milestones: the implementation of remote work and the return to business travel.

A Cybersecurity (Installation) Odyssey in the South Pacific

Trustwave recently completed an almost three-year-long project that took the team to several of the most exotic Pacific paradises on the map. The trip was not a vacation as we spent long days helping install a wide variety of defensive platforms designed to protect national governments from cyberattacks, but one really couldn’t complain about the location.

Secure egress access with DNS Policy and NetworkSets

One of the common concerns about migrating applications to Kubernetes is the control over the network traffic egressing your environment. Due to its highly dynamic architecture, Kubernetes will not tie a specific IP address to an application by default. Instead, it will lease a different IP address from an IP pool whenever the application restarts.

Case study: Calico enables HanseMerkur to reduce infrastructure overhead and achieve ISO 27001 compliance

Established in 1875, HanseMerkur is one of the oldest private health insurance companies in Germany, with customers across Europe. The company ran multi-tenant clusters on premises with Kubespray, with around 150 internal software developers as users. As the company must handle personal information and confidential data, it adheres to ISO 27001, the German equivalent of SOC 2, as per industry standards.

ICS attack classifications: differentiating between Cyberwarfare, Cyberterrorism, & Hacktivism

Every news article about a threat group or attack floods the reader with classifications: nation-state groups, hacktivists, cyberterrorists, etc. But how can we define who is what? How can we differentiate between said categories? How should we deal with potential classification overlaps? Especially in the ever-evolving cyberwarfare realm, how can we approach these closely rooted phenomena?

Does ChatGPT Know Your Secrets? Threats and Benefits of AI in Your Environment

ChatGPT has been taking the World by storm, but it’s bringing with it issues around cybersecurity, data protection, and data privacy. IT leaders and business leaders are looking to create policies that will help protect their people and corporate assets, but so few people really understand the technology well enough to grasp and weigh the benefits, the concerns, and implications for the cybersecurity industry, in general.

New Survey Shows 40% of People Searching for a Job Encountered a Scam

A survey by has found that one in three job seekers has fallen for, and responded to, fake job scams over the past two years. “Nearly 4 in 10 respondents, all of whom have searched for a job within the last two years, say they’ve encountered job postings that turned out to be a scam,” the researchers write.

UK Attacker Responsible for a Literal "Man-in-the-Middle" Ransomware Attack is Finally Brought to Justice

The recent conviction of a U.K. man for cyber crimes committed in 2018 brings to light a cyber attack where this attacker manually performed the “in-the-middle” part of an attack. We’ve all heard of a “Man-in-the-Middle” (MitM) attack – also more recently called a “Manipulator-in-the-Middle” attack.