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Your Ultimate Guide to AICPA's SOC 2 Updates

Cybersecurity is ever-changing and a critical consideration for business survival. One must always be prepared to keep their business secure and their customers satisfied. But how do you keep up with all the compliance framework changes, such as last October’s SOC 2 guidance updates? This was my challenge as the GRC manager at a SaaS startup: an updated compliance framework version would be released, and I’d need to figure out how to incorporate the new requirements.

Level Up Your Incident Response Playbook with These 5 Tips

Data breaches loom large for organizations big and small. On top of being incredibly time-consuming, they can lead to legal damages, shattered customer trust, and severe financial fallout—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. ‍ ‍ Laws and technologies are constantly evolving, which means that, in turn, security strategies must always adapt to keep up.

Following METI's Attack Surface Guidance with Bitsight

On May 29 2023, the Cybersecurity Division of the Commerce and Information Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) released an introduction guidance on Attack Surface Management (ASM) as a response to the increased cyber threats as a result of companies’ rapid digital transformation has led to a dynamic and growth of their internet footprint and possible attack vectors.

Detecting Storm-0558 using Corelight evidence

While there have been many intrusions, compromises, breaches, and incidents that have made news in the IT and InfoSec industries throughout 2022 and into this year, when events or threats like Storm-0558 gain coverage by mainstream media, we often get questions about Corelight’s ability to detect threats through our sensors, products & platform.

Corporations are Losing Login Credentials at an Alarming Rate, Says Flare

Major businesses from around the world are losing valuable login credentials at a rapid rate. Huge corporations are going through applications with platforms like Hubspot, Salesforce, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, DocuSign, and so many others, and during the process, they are losing valuable login credentials. Huge numbers of businesses are being compromised by hackers looking at these many different services, and it's becoming a very real problem that most companies aren't talking about today.

What Risks Do You Run from Brandjacking, and How Do You Overcome Them?

Brandjacking refers to the malicious act of using a brand’s identity to deceive or defraud customers. It usually involves impersonating a reputable brand to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or exploit the trust associated with the brand. Attackers often leverage the reputation of well-known brands using social engineering techniques, phishing emails, fake websites, and malicious packages in open source repositories.

Tim Norris, Brivo: "the number one threat to access control is the use of insecure, non-encrypted credentials"

Originally published on Cloud-based access control solutions have transformed security processes by centralizing data, utilizing advanced technologies, and providing convenient access management. Cloud-based access control solutions leverage the power of the cloud to provide secure and convenient access management for various facilities. Combine it with a high-level VPN system, and you have a comprehensive security solution that can be managed remotely and monitored in real-time.

Red team exercises against social engineering attacks

How can you take a proactive approach to your organization’s cybersecurity strategy? Scoping the threat landscape and having a solid incident response plan is a good start. But you also need to continuously seek out vulnerabilities and weaknesses to remediate or mitigate. These vulnerabilities and weaknesses aren’t just limited to systems and processes – the human factor plays a prominent part in many cybersecurity breaches.