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Unmasking antiforensics techniques: Strategies for effective defense

In the world of digital forensics, where experts meticulously analyze digital evidence to uncover the truth, a counterforce known as "antiforensics" seeks to conceal, manipulate, or destroy this evidence. Antiforensics techniques aim to evade detection and analysis, posing a significant challenge for forensic investigators. In this comprehensive blog, we will explore the realm of antiforensics, understand its techniques, and discuss strategies to effectively defend against them.

AWS's Hidden Threat: AMBERSQUID Cloud-Native Cryptojacking Operation

The Sysdig Threat Research Team (TRT) has uncovered a novel cloud-native cryptojacking operation which they’ve named AMBERSQUID. This operation leverages AWS services not commonly used by attackers, such as AWS Amplify, AWS Fargate, and Amazon SageMaker. The uncommon nature of these services means that they are often overlooked from a security perspective, and the AMBERSQUID operation can cost victims more than $10,000/day.

Why is Security Awareness Training Needed?

Security Awareness Training is essential for several reasons: 1. **Human Error**: Many security breaches occur due to human error. Employees may inadvertently click on malicious links, download malware, or share sensitive information with unauthorized individuals. Security awareness training helps employees recognize potential threats and avoid common mistakes. 2.

Using metadata & tstats for Threat Hunting

So you want to hunt, eh? Well my young padwa…hold on. As a Splunk Jedi once told me, you have to first go slow to go fast. What do I mean by that? Well, if you rush into threat hunting and start slinging SPL indiscriminately, you risk creating gaps in your investigation. What gaps might those be? As a wise man once said, Know thy network. Actually — in this case — know your network and hosts.

Using stats, eventstats & streamstats for Threat Hunting...Stat!

If you have spent any time searching in Splunk, you have likely done at least one search using the stats command. I won’t belabor the point: stats is a crucial capability in the context of threat hunting — it would be a crime to not talk about it in this series. When focusing on data sets of interest, it's very easy to use the stats command to perform calculations on any of the returned field values to derive additional information.

7 Best Practices for Dark Web Scanning

It would be great if Dark Web scans were as simple as Google searches – if you could simply plug your business’s name into a search engine, run a query and view a list of results about threats that impact your company. Unfortunately for businesses seeking to stay a step ahead of threat actors, quite the opposite is true. It’s not just that there is no Google or search index that teams can turn to when searching for threats.

Vulnerabilities Within Law Enforcement Exposed

On September 15th, 2023, it was announced that a company in Stockport, UK, responsible for producing ID cards for various organizations, including Greater Manchester Police, fell victim to a ransomware attack. The attack, conducted using ransomware, had significant implications. Thousands of police officers’ personal details, including their names, were at risk of exposure to the public domain.

MSSP Alert Names Trustwave to 2023 Top 250 MSSPs List

For the seventh consecutive year, Trustwave has been named a Top 10 Managed Security Services Provider by MSSP Alert. Trustwave placed 10th on MSSP's 2023 list, indicating the company's status as an industry leading managed security service provider. MSSP Alert noted that the list identifies and honors the top MSSPs worldwide. The rankings are based on MSSP Alert’s 2023 readership survey combined with the site’s editorial coverage of MSSP, MDR, and MSP security providers.