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Cyber Security Trends in the Financial Sector

Financial gain is one of the most common motivations behind cyber-attacks, making the financial sector an attractive target for cyber criminals. Recently, it was reported that companies in finance lost nearly $20 billion due to cyber-attacks and breaches. Furthermore, it was reported that financial companies get attacked 2500x more than a typical business for a total of over one billion attack attempts in a single year. These attacks don’t just target financial institutions.

The Cloud SIEM market is validated by Sumo Logic, Microsoft, Google, and AWS

“Computers are bicycles for the mind,” said Steve Jobs once. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is biking uphill. Picture this: You cycle hard against the incline and ensure the bike holds up, all the while watching out for incoming traffic in blind turns. The worst part? The bike grinds to a halt when you stop pedaling. You simply can't coast on the steep hill of security operations.

Complexity as the Enemy of Security

In an ideal scenario, security would be baked into the development process from the very beginning. Security teams would primarily exist to verify that best practices have been followed at every step in the process. In practice, security is an enormous challenge for most organizations. This challenge is compounded by the increasingly complex and fast-paced nature of modern service-oriented architectures, such as Kubernetes.

How to Achieve CIA Triad?

Information security policy is a set of policies put forward by high ranking members of an organization to assure that all information technology users within the domain of that organization is its networks adhere to the same rules and guidelines related to the security of information that is transferred or stored at any point within the organization’s boundaries of authority.

Dolos DNS Rebinder: What You Need to Know

Although DNS rebinding attacks have been known for over a decade now, they are only recently receiving attention as a practical attack surface. In the last year, quite a few popular products have been shown to lack DNS rebinding protections, and as a result, someone could operate them remotely using a malicious web site. Manufacturers have made a habit of giving consumers connected devices that are controlled by unauthenticated HTTP requests via the local network.

Why Construction Companies are Overhauling the Jobsite & Looking for More than Just File Sharing

Murphy’s Law (“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”) hangs over every jobsite like a dark cloud. When you’re dealing with massive construction projects being overseen by scores of project managers and swarms of subcontractors—all of whom are dealing with highly intricate details and a deluge of documents—the opportunities for snafus to rear their ugly little heads are in no short supply.

Six Employee Investigation Fails to Avoid

Investigating a once trusted employee for potential misuse, theft, or other offenses regarding company resources can be a complicated process. While we all hope to hire ethically sound employees, various factors can contribute to ending up with a bad apple in the bunch. Labeled, insider threats, these employees pose a grave risk to organizations due to the insider knowledge and often authorized access they have to critical resources.

The Twistlock Acquisition: An Analysis of Palo Alto Networks' strategy

Congratulations Twistlock! One of the best signs of an emerging market is when existing, massive players are willing to put hundreds of millions of dollars on the line to get into that market right now. Given today’s Twistlock acquisition by Palo Alto Networks, and other recent acquisitions like Heptio/VMware, we believe this is happening in the cloud-native market. Congratulations to Twistlock on their success.