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The MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Command and Control

Most malware these days has some level of Command and Control. This can be to exfiltrate data, tell the malware what instructions to execute next, or download encryption keys in the case of ransomware. In each case of command and control, the attacker is accessing the network from a remote location. Having insight into what is happening on the network is going to be crucial in addressing these techniques.

A guide to penetration testing for compliance

In many cases, penetration testing – a type of ethical hacking engagement designed to identify and address security vulnerabilities in networks, systems and applications – is required. Sometimes this requirement is specified directly, while in other cases it is implied by a need to build audit or assessment processes to mitigate cyber risk. This blog identifies some of the most common pen testing standards and regulations and provides guidance about the type of testing required.

What Is Third-Party Risk Management?

Third-party risk management (TPRM) is the process of analyzing and minimizing risks associated with outsourcing to third-party vendors or service providers. This is commonly known as third-party risk or vendor risk and can include financial, environmental, reputational, and security risks due to a vendor's access to intellectual property, sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII), and protected health information (PHI).

A Checklist for Effective Threat Hunting Tools

Threat hunting is one of the most critical activities performed by SOC teams. Once an alert triggers and a tier-1 analyst assesses it and sends it up the line for further evaluation by a more senior analyst, the race is on. Hunting down the threat as quickly as possible, before it can wreak havoc on the organization, becomes the top priority.

How to get compliance audit training in the new virtual workplace

As many businesses have begun to work almost entirely remotely until an as-yet-to-be-determined date, they have had to plan for activities that took place largely in person in the past. For example, many compliance audits have gone virtual in these times of uncertainty. This shift has forced organizations to adjust how they prepare and plan. But even in these times of uncertainty, it is your organization’s responsibility to stay sharp and on track with security knowledge, planning, and response.

Stories from the SOC - detecting network anomalies with OTX

This Investigation was initiated on the basis of several Network Anomaly alarms triggered by ongoing suspicious activity on an employee device owned by a financial institution. During the discovery phase of the Investigation, we identified abnormal egress traffic to a known Indicator of Compromise (IOC) based on intelligence from the Open Threat Exchange™ (OTX®).

How ExpertOps Can Help You Address the Infosec Skills Gap

Are you struggling to hire skilled digital security talent in 2020? If so, you’re not alone. According to a Tripwire study on the infosec skills gap, 82% of security experts said that their teams were understaffed; nearly the same proportion (83%) indicated that they were feeling more overworked going into 2020 than they were a year prior.